I totally kicked ass this week

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  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:February 3, 2022

I don’t often pat myself on the back but I’m gonna do that tonight because I’m really proud of myself. I’ve spent the last two days working on the living room and I’ve made a good bit of progress. Yesterday I repainted the ceiling, which took some time. Cutting the ceiling in felt like it took forever but I worked straight though until it was done.

I used a fourteen inch roller and two costed the ceiling and it looks amazing. By the time I finished with everything, I had lost the natural light and couldn’t go any further.

This morning I began prepping all the trim (base-boards, door casing, windows, window casing, and front door). It took forever but it turned out great. I recaulked almost everything, which is tedious, and took forever. All the woodwork is repaired, and ready for paint. The last thing I did was tape off all the windows.

I spent most of the day blasting music and getting shit done. It feels so good because I stayed on task the whole day. I used to do this for a living and it’s been a long time since I took on a project like this

I spent the rest of the day in my makeshift office. I’m working with another film company and I have some things to get ready for. I also finished producing the first episode of season 5 and it was a tough one for me. This interview left me shook and I haven’t been able to get myself righted yet. This first episode is special because I’m working with Students Demand. Like Mom’s Demand, it falls under the Everytown umbrella.

I interviewed a high school student who is very active in the gun violence prevention moment through Students Demand, and sits on the national advisory board as well.

The episode turned out amazing, and it will release Friday or Monday. We’re raising awareness for National Gun Violence Survivors Week. This interview was the most emotionally challenging for me as a Dad and you’ll understand when you hear it. It’s difficult to listen to what our kids are forced to deal with because of the gun violence epidemic. I finished producing the episode two days ago and I still haven’t been able to shake this feeling. It’s one of those thoughts that keep running around my head, and I can’t shut it off.

Anyway, I have two more episodes to finish producing this weekend. Tomorrow I’m going to paint all the woodwork, and knock out at least out of these episodes in the afternoon. I’m going to paint the walls last and that will likely be over the weekend as well.

The changes I’ve been making in my life are geared at helping with ADHD, and are working quite well, at least so far. I’m more productive, less stressed, and I’m getting shit done. I’m not beating myself up as much either, and that helps.

I feel so accomplished right now but I was reminded why I don’t paint much anymore. I can’t work over my head for very long without causing back problems. My back hasn’t hurt this much in a long time but I’m going to keep pushing through and pounding motrin. Rolling the ceiling definitely did me in but so did working on a ladder. It is what it is and I’ll feel better in a few days. It’s totally worth it though and I’m pumped to get painting again in the morning.

The kids are home again due to bad weather and they make this a bit more complicated but they’ve let me work without too much distraction. They leave for their moms house in the afternoon and I’ll free to make more progress.

Here’s a few pictures of where I am so far.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Smelly Socks and Garden Peas

Yey! Awesome week