My kids had an exciting new experience today

As I'm beginning to live my best life, I'm finding myself exposed to lots of new and exciting things. I feel like I've lived a relatively sheltered life because I'm experiencing so many new things for the first time, and I'm in my early forties. One of the things I'm deliberately experiencing is food from different cultures. I'm being introduced to foods from all over the world and it's been an amazing experience. I'm lucky to have a great guide through all this stuff and I can't believe I've lived so much of my life, having not tried some of these things. For the longest time, I was waking up feeling like it was one day closer to my death. That's a shitty way to live. Now I wake up…

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Read more about the article Third times a charm

Third times a charm

The last couple of days have been rather busy for me. I've been dealing with side effects from my covid booster. Nothing major. In fact, it's been easier this time around but I'm getting hit with fatigue. I'm tired all the time and sleeping doesn't really make it better. Again, it's better than COVID and I'm grateful to have access to such an effective vaccine. I took Gavin to get his booster this morning. He did great and so far, his only issue is a sore arm. I do expect him to be under the weather for the next day or two but maybe he won't experience any side effects and I'd be more than okay if that were the case. Emmett's been having a difficult couple of days so…


How You Can Make Moving Home with Children Easier

Moving home is super stressful at any time of your life, and when you add children to the mix, you can be sure that there is never a dull moment. Even when you move house with small children, the hurdles and obstacles you face can leave you questioning your decision. So, just what can you do to make moving home with children that little bit easier? What actions should you be carrying out right now? Talk About the Move and Prepare Your Children Even when your children are smaller and younger, it is still important to talk to them about the upcoming house move. Children can often cope and deal with change a lot better if you give them advanced warnings. It is no good just springing a decision or…


I’m really excited and I hope this helps

It's been a pretty great day so far. I've made more progress on the new site and I've secured a couple of amazing guests. You may not know this but I have a reddit sub with about 5,500 families and it's growing rapidly. You can check it out here. I asked my families for some help with picking podcast topics that would be of value to them and their journey. I received tons of suggestions and have lined up two that I think will be amazing. One has to do with an app that helps parents of find social activities for their kiddos. This is so important in the autism and special needs community. I'm really excited about this because helping our kids make friends and engage in social activities…


Yes, I’m still alive

It's been a little while and I wanted to jump on and say hey. Yes, I'm still alive. Everything is going great actually, I've just been busy. The kids are doing great and we all had a fantastic Halloween. They spent it with their mom. I dressed up and handed out candy. It's been twenty years since I've worn a costume and it was so much fun. I told you, I'm living my best life. ☺ So yes, we're all doing well. I got my 3rd COVID shot on Sunday morning and the last 36 hours have been tough but I'm feeling much better today and I even went for an afternoon walk. I'm definitely tired but that lasted a little while the last time. It's totally manageable and I…


Top Life Skills You’ll Need To Teach Your Child

Raising a child can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come without its difficulties and responsibilities. As rewarding as it is, you’ll have to put a lot of effort into it. That doesn’t need to be a bad thing. These responsibilities could instead be used to make positive memories with your child. That’s especially true of teaching your child certain lessons as they get older. Image Credit: Rene Rauschenberger from Pixabay. Going into these experiences with your eyes open will let you make sure the memories are as positive as possible. They’ll also make sure that your children are safe in various ways. Life Skills You’ll Need To Teach Your Child Using The Internet Wisely The internet has become ingrained…


2 decades of special needs parenting and I’m still learning

My kids are absolutely amazing. I love them completely and without condition. They've all come such a long way and I couldn't be prouder of them. That doesn't mean we are without our challenges. As the only neurotypical person in my house, I can sometimes feel like an outsider. The irony there is that many autistic people, including my kids, can feel like outsiders everywhere else. That hasn't escaped me and it provides me some insight into what my kids might go through outside of our home. I sometimes have a difficult time understanding what's going on with my kids. I might feel like something is wrong because I misinterpret their nonverbal queues. I can read other neurotypical people like a book but slap in a bit of neurodiversity and…


4 Ways Parents of Autistic Children Can Prepare Them for Changes in Routines

Autistic kids rely on routines. It’s how they make sense of the world and the environment. And they often prefer for things to remain as they are. But the reality is that things can’t always remain the same. Life sometimes happens, the kids grow up, and sometimes, a partner takes a walk.  When this happens, you’ve got to soldier on and do what you can for the children. One of the biggest challenges of parents with autistic kids is a change in routine, as even small changes can be quite difficult for children on the autism spectrum. So how can you prepare the kids for these unavoidable changes? Photo by Vanessa Bucceri on Unsplash Start Introducing Changes Gradually The easiest way to get the kids prepared for new routines is…