The Little Things Matter On Your Quest To Be Eco-Friendly

Being eco-friendly is not always about grand gestures. It’s the little things that matter too! Think about it: if we all made small changes to be more eco-friendly, it would make a massive difference overall, wouldn’t it? So, here are our top ten tips to help you be more eco-friendly… Turn it off  To reduce your carbon footprint, one of the best things you can do is conserve energy. We tend to think that being eco-friendly is all about recycling but there is way more to it than this! If you leave your electricals on standby, you are only going to be using up energy that you don’t need. Simply hitting the off button can make a huge difference. Whether it’s your computer or your PlayStation, always turn it…


Did you know that Dads need help to?

I recorded a new podcast episode today and I'm really kinda excited about it. My friend Dennis Procopio was back and we had a really good conversation. Dennis is a male life couch and he helps men better navigate life. He's very good at what he does and he's been helping me as well. What you may not know is that Dennis is also a special needs Dad as well. Today we talked about a situation in which something happened to his son at school and he was injured. Many of us can relate to these scary, highly emotional situations. I've had my share of papa bear moments where I'm just emotionally reacting to a situation that requires me to be cool, calm, and collected. Dennis talks about how he…


Four Tips For Living A Healthier Lifestyle As A Family

The most essential thing in life is your family. So naturally, you want to make sure that they are healthy and happy, which is why you need to take the time to give them a little bit of extra care. In this blog post, we will be discussing four tips for living a healthier lifestyle as a family. These tips can help you live longer and have more energy every day! Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels 1) Stay Active A big part of living a healthier lifestyle is staying active. It can be challenging to get everyone moving, but it doesn't have to take up your entire day! Try going on family walks after dinner every night or before breakfast in the morning. You could also use these times…


A shitload of updates

The boys are going to their mothers this weekend and that leaves me with a couple days to myself. Most of these days are going to be filled with rain but that doesn't mean I can't make good use of the time I'll have to myself. There are some things I want to get done this weekend. I'm working on the house and getting things better organized. Almost every room is going to be getting repainted and so there are obvious signs that we're working towards that. As I have time, I'm caulking and making drywall repairs. There are lots of projects underway but in various stages of progression. It's a bit stressful for me to see things like this but it's a means to an end. I'll maybe get…


Emerging from darker times

I wanted to pop in and let you know I'm still breathing. It's been a minute but it's not because something is wrong. Quite the opposite actually. The boys are doing great and Gavin is continuing down the path to independence. I'm so proud of everyone because we've emerged from such a dark time in our lives, and we're living our best lives. As for me, I'm doing great as well. I've come such a long way and while I'm tired, I absolutely love my life. I have some amazing opportunities with work, and I'm even planning a trip for next year. I've reinvested in balancing my public and private life, which is why I don't share everything that's going on. I'm in a very healthy, rewarding relationship, and I…


How to Know if Your Child Needs Mental Rehab: Things to Look For

Children’s mental health disorders occur when there is a significant change in the way a child behaves, learns or handles their emotions. This often leads to distress of some type, creating difficulty in day-to-day tasks. Behavior disorders, anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) are the most common, though others can occur, including depression and bipolar disorder. How Common Are Kids’ Mental Health Problems? Consider a few key statistics on children and mental health as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ADHD is the most common form of mental health disorder in children, impacting about 9.4 percent of kids ages 2 to 17, or about 6.1 million children. About 7.4 percent or 4.5 million children in the U.S. have some type of diagnosed behavior problem. The agency reports…


Today I took a stroll down memory lane

I had some time to kill this afternoon before I ran a few errands. The kids are going to their moms for a little while and I thought I would play some solitare or spades. In the past, I preferred to use an actual deck of cards but I can't find anything but UNO cards right now. That's a whole other story for another time, but it's frustrating. Anyway, at this point, I should have walked away but I can be stubborn at times and I was going to play solitare if it killed me. lol Before I gave up, I remembered that my kids sometimes play games via internet browser. I did a quick Google search for solitare and that lead me to a site called That said,…

Read more about the article Why I still wear a mask, even though I’m fully #vaccinated

Why I still wear a mask, even though I’m fully #vaccinated

I wanted to take a second and put this out there because I truly believe that it's really important. Everyone in my immediate family (myself and the boys) are fully vaccinated for COVID. We're in pretty good shape in my house and I'm so incredibly grateful for that. That being said, not everyone is so lucky. Anyone under the age of twelve, cannot currently receive the COVID vaccine. It's coming soon but all these kids are still at risk until then. I even wear a mask at the gym, which is not fun at all, especially with a filtered mask. I made the decision to do that and I will continue to do so because there are people in my life who cannot yet receive the vaccine. The best way…