How #ABA Took Fun Off the (Little) Table

One idea behind many ABA/Discrete Trial type programs is repetition and practice. The more opportunities, the more progress. That’s how we got to 40-hour per week programs for three-year-olds. Yeah, that is crazy, it’s not just you—and it doesn’t have to be this way. My oldest child was around two when I started to see ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) differently. It’s a shift I am forever grateful, and it took my career on a completely new path. Around the time of this shift, my mother bought my oldest a little wooden table. It was a $40 steal at a local hardware store. The evening she brought it over, we both watched as my daughter (also her first grandchild) danced in delight around the table, sitting, getting down, switching chairs. She…


A Break Down of Autism Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Therapy For Parents

ABA therapy is extremely essential to understand for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS) and their parents alike. Along with their therapist, your child will also require your constant encouragement and assistance throughout this process. Social skills are learned and improved with help of parent's involvement and support.  Let's find out how.  Why Is Behaviour Analysis Necessary For My Child?  In layman's terms, ABA can be defined as a therapy that is modeled on the science of an individual's behavior and learning. This therapy is necessary because it helps in finding out and breaking down how behavior works. You can comprehend the different ways in which learning takes place in our minds.  One can understand the consequences and the role that the environment plays in the behavior of an individual.…