Parenting breaks are bittersweet for me

I fully intended to publish this last night and I didn't. The boys are already at their moms and I'm publishing this now because better late than never. ☺ The boys are so excited because they are seeing their mom in the morning. I'm dropping them off and picking them back up on Sunday. They've been packed for 2 days and all I need to do is pack their meds in the morning. I'm excited for them but at the same time, this makes me very nervous. I've kept them safe because I've carefully controlled our world since the onset of COVID19. Turning that care over to anyone else introduces unknowns and that makes me uncomfortable. It's nothing to do with their mom. I would feel this way with my…


Life is rough and I’m struggling with #depression

I know that I talk about the bad days quite a bit and that can be depressing to read. There are so many factors that go into writing about my experience and generally, I err on the side of transparency. My intention is not to be depressing but rather to be open about my Depression. Depression plays a role in literally every single part of my life and it's not easy to manage. Being a special needs parent is very challenging. Being a single special needs parent is even more so. When it comes to the challenge, things like autism and fragile health definitely complicate things. The truth is, my own mental health directly impacts how I'm able to cope with stress and rise to the occasion. I feel very…


Why we all need a bit of downtime

If you’re a busy parent, life can feel like one endless series of problems to solve. Some people can just plow straight through, dealing with all the issues as they arise. Others, however, get burned out. And that’s when the real trouble starts. Getting downtime is vital for several reasons. But, as with so many things, it comes back to biology. When you rest, you activate something called the parasympathetic nervous system. If you’ve ever felt rested and happy, you’ll know what this is like. You feel relaxed like you could do anything, and you’re not worrying about going to work or driving the kids somewhere. You definitely don’t feel overwhelmed. Pexels - CC0 License Activating this system is vital because the body relies on it to do basic housekeeping.…


#Anxiety + #Autism = No Bueno

The kids are incredibly anxious today. If you're familiar with autism in young children, you know how difficult anxiety can be for them to cope with. The kids are still on edge from this weekends firework assault on our neighborhood. They're also anxious because they're so excited about seeing their mom on Friday. Factor in all the lockdown insanity on top of that and you have a difficult situation to manage. I'm living downtown there right now. It's almost 100°F so time outside isn't advisable right now. We have been working together to straighten the house but frankly, everyone is climbing the walls. There's not a lot I can do at the moment but I figure making good use of the time is important and makes sense. We have some…


I’m so tired of people not thinking about the impact their actions have on others

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday weekend. I'm exhausted and going to bed but I wanted to share with you all how our weekend went. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably already have already see this. Rather than go through the crazy story all over again, I though I would just embed the Twitter thread that explains everything. I'm also embed 2 YouTube videos as well. This was shot from my living room. We've not had a good weekend and this week is going to be full of challenges that I neither need or planned on. Here you go. Here's everything in a single thread. It was like a literal warzone in front of my house last night. The #fireworks were unbelievable. The YouTube clip below…


I had one of my award winning parenting fails today

I had one of my award winning parenting fails today and I'm not thrilled with myself. Essentially, I lost my patience with Gavin. It's more that I lost my patience with some of his behaviors, more specifically, the way he was reacting to things. For whatever reason, Gavin frightens very easily and when he's startled he screams at the top of his lungs. This is a newer behavior and I think it's been since lockdown. Anyway, one of the things that happens alot now is he startles from the most benign things and reacts in a way that's so over the top. It screams drama and doesn't feel genuine. That doesn't mean that it isn't genuine, it just feels like drama. I fully understand that kids on the spectrum can…

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Christmas Eve level excitement for the next week

Sleep last night was pretty shitty. I think I squeezed in about 3 or 4 hours of restless sleep before giving up. Poor Elliott is struggling to sleep as well. Sleep can be a fickle beast to tame and with everything going on right now, it's even....fickler? More fickle? I don't know, but you get the point. I think part of Elliott's problem is that he so anxious about seeing his mom next week. It's going to be like Christmas Eve level excitement for the next week or so. It's going to make the next seven or eight days a bit more challenging but it's totally understandable. I have no interview today, as it's been rescheduled, so I'll be able to focus on prepping for tomorrow's interview instead. A quiet…


Making arrangements for the kids to see their mom

I'm moving around much slower than I normally do because I'm much more sore from yesterday's fall than I thought I would be. That said, I slept well and have been relatively active all day. Elliott slept in pretty late because he didn't fall asleep until 6 AM this morning. I didn't know he was up all night and I wish I had because I would have tried to help him. Emmett and I spent some time throwing the football around before breakfast. It's gorgeous outside but it's also crazy hot. I was supposed to have interviews the rest of the week but 2/3 ended up with a conflict and they needed to reschedule for next week. I'm okay with that because it slows my day down and let's me…