We’ve been on #COVID-19 Lockdown for 100 Days

We hit a milestone today that was not on my 2020 bingo card. The kids and I have been on COVID-19 lockdown for 100 days now. When I say lockdown, I mean zero contact with anyone in 100 days. The only exception was the kids seeing their mom for two or three days after her household went on quarantine for two weeks. This has been a pretty strick lockdown due to the fact Gavin is immunocompromised. While I don't think he's necessarily more likely to catch it, he's more likely to have a negative outcome, therefore he's considered very high risk. I have to take this very, very seriously and so we've spent the last 100 days making sure that we are quarantined, so there is as little risk as…


I haven’t felt this overwhelmed in a long time

Over the last decade, this blog has evolved into whatever it is now. One of the things that have remained consistent throughout is the honesty with with I write. I may not write as much anymore and my writing isn't as inspiring as it once was, but it's just as honest as the day is long. I'm writing tonight because I feel like I'm failing in so many areas of my life. In fairness, I do realize that a large part of this is my depression talking but I'm pretty sure I'd feel like this anyway. It's been a particularly difficult day because I'm not handling Gavin very well. Gavin's in a very weird place right now and I don't know what's going on with him. He's regressing in a…


I’m so grateful for yesterday

I fell asleep last night before I could finish writing and while that's a bit inconvenient, I'm grateful that I fell asleep. Sleep has been very problematic as of late. Anyway, the boys and I had a pretty good day. I think I mentioned that my lawn mower died after about 15 years of use and 8 had to order a new one. It was delivered yesterday afternoon and I was able to get the yard cut. It's fantastic and I can't wait for the grass to grow back so I can use it again. We spent some time cleaning out the garage and making a new home for the mower. I put our old one out by the curb and it was snatched up very quickly. I suppose it's…


If my sensory sensitive kids with #Autism can wear a mask, WTF is your excuse?

I know I'm not writing nearly as often as I normally do and the truth is, depression is really kicking my ass. I'm still functional but definitely struggling. As of today, we've been on lockdown for 98 straight days. As you can probably imagine, it's running a bit long in the tooth at this point. Unfortunately, there simply isn't any other options. With Gavin being immunocompromised, there literally isn't another way to keep him safe. We're in this for the long haul and that's likely to be awhile. I've been hearing from readers both here and on social media, that their husband, wife, daughter, son or other loved one is immunocompromised as well and they're in the exact same boat. While my heart goes out to all the other families…


Do You Suffer From Aches?

Do you suffer from aches and pains? Perhaps you experience joint pain because of arthritis? Maybe you get a bad back from time to time? No matter what applies, one thing you should consider investing in to ease the pain is a hot tub. If you experience back pain, you will often be advised to apply heat to the area. A hot tub presents one of the easiest and most effective methods of applying heat to a large part of the body. This helps to reduce muscle spasms because the heat from the water will relax the surrounding muscles. Not only this but if you have been injured, the heat can increase blood flow by dilating the blood vessels, which will help to promote healing. Spas can take the edge…


I’m really grateful for today

The boys and I had a pretty good day. I didn't sleep well last night, again but I made it through the day. One of the things on our to do list today was getting everyone out for some exercise. Gavin was very resistant because he's afraid of getting sick. The path we took almost never has anyone but bikers. Even if they're not wearing a mask, they blow by so quickly, there's no contact. We ended up having to walk by one person and we wore our masks because it's the right thing to do. The rest of the time we were able to breathe fresh air. We had a great time and even took Ruby along with us. Gavin did awesome and felt much better about going. It's…


Fancy Dress Inspiration

Career costumes offer endless possibilities for someone looking to stand out at a dress-up party. The selection of themed uniforms associated with different careers is almost limitless. We have put together a brief guide, revealing some of the best career-based fancy dress ideas for you to consider for your next party.  Appearing at an event or party dressed as a police officer is one option to explore. To make your best copper impression look authentic, do not stop with the classic blue police uniform. Accessorise with care by adding police equipment, such as handcuffs, badges or even a whistle. Mirror sunglasses also offer a great way to act the tough cop. Nursing is another career that offers almost limitless possibilities when dressing up for a party. The traditional nurse uniform…


CBD: What Parents Need to Know

Cannabidiol, or CBD, which is an extract of hemp or marijuana plants, is becoming tremendously popular. This because it can treat various health conditions both in adults and children. Besides that, it is available in multiple forms such as oils and chewable gummies. Unlike marijuana, CBD doesn't get the user high. It is also sold without a prescription and there's even CBD for cats. The only medication made from CBD that needs a prescription is known as Epidiolex. It is a prescription drug for children who have acute epilepsy. Nonetheless, some parents don't mind buying CBD products for their children. This is usually for other health conditions that CBD can help to treat including hyperactivity and anxiety. Caregivers sometimes use it on autistic children to lessen various symptoms. CBD effectiveness…