I’m freaking out over my kids medications

I’ve been so stressed out today because there’s been a major change to the way we receive the boys medications.  It’s a total cluster fuck right now and I’m overwhelmed. Here’s what happened. 

Lizze and I decided to switch all of us over to a new pharmacy because of all the problems we’ve had with Walgreens, especially in regard to Gavin’s meds.  The pharmacy we moved to is the main pharmacy for all of Canton, including the area Hospitals.

The idea behind this was to take advantage of the option to have them all prepackaged into daily doses and get them delivered directly to our house. 

This is what Lizze does for her meds and it works out really well. 

Unfortunately, it takes time to get all the refills in sync as well as get to a point where everything is packaged properly. I wasn’t prepared for that because when they arrived, they were all fuckered up and it totally had me freaked out, especially with Gavin’s meds. 

While my previous system wasn’t perfect, it worked.  It was a pain in the ass but it worked. 

Lizze explained that the first month will be like this and by next month, everything will be synced up and much easier. 

Part of what stresses me out about this is that most of the pills have changed in appearance and so I don’t know what they are just by looking at them. 

Having said that, because my meds were much easier, my prepackaged doses work out really well and did so on the very first run. 


This is what this looks like. I'm only in 4 meds a day and all at bedtime so this is very simple and efficient.

Once we get the kinks worked out and a few prescriptions reworded, this should make life so much easier, at least in regards to managing medications. 

Until then, it’s stressful and actually makes things harder but this is one of those cases where the ends justifies the means..

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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