It’s been a long week but we’ve survived thus far. I spent as much time as possible working because November wasn’t very profitable and extra work is necessary to survive December. Thankfully, I’ve had a few deals come in but I need more to come in to weather the remainder of 2020.
The boys have finished the school week on a good note and Emmett has even been making progress on make-up work. I’m quite proud of him.
My day was spent staring at this screen, trying to finish up the remaining episodes of this season. I’ve mentioned before that I’m cutting the season off at 40 episodes, which is still pretty impressive. There’s so much work that goes into each episode and I’m only one person. I’m quite proud of 40 episodes.

The timing sorta works out because my laptop is in a death spiral. The screen still flickers and that’s incredibly annoying because when editing audio in Audition, it’s so hard to make precise edits when the screen keeps turning off and back on. At some point soon, the flickering will stop and the screen will no longer work. I’m hoping to make it through the holiday and get a couple of good months under my belt before having to look for any laptop deals gaming. I don’t play games on my laptop but the specs are necessary for running some of the software I need to run. This is especially true for Adobe Creative Cloud, which has become my new best friend.
As there is nothing in the calendar for today, I fully intend to sleep in as long and my kids let me. Stress from everything has been killing my sleep lately and I’m literally sleeping on the most comfortable mattress ever. That’s very frustrating for me but I know many of you can probably relate to laying in bed, unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep because you can’t shut your brain off.
Anyway, the car is back in the shop. I mentioned before that there were some issues with the paint job that was just done and it needed to spend a few days back there in order to address the issues. Thankfully, we have zero plans for the next few days that would require the use of our car. That’s totally okay with me because our county just turned purple, which is the worst COVID status possible in Ohio. It’s getting really bad and we’re going to have to hunker down and ride this out. I’ll pick the car up as soon as it’s ready because in the event we need to get somewhere, I have a means with which to do it.
Anyway, I hope you guys are doing okay. Things are pretty bad out there and I hope you all stay safe and healthy. As always, please follow the guidelines put out by out public health care officials. PLEASE wear a mask and avoid needless risk. We totally got this.
I’m gonna try to get some sleep because I’m exhausted.