I have been getting much better sleep lately because Emmett has been in his own bed for the past two nights. Since Lizze left, he’s been struggling to sleep by himself. He experiences separation anxiety and has to be physically touching me in order to fall asleep.

I want to be there for him but at the same time, it’s very difficult to sleep because I can’t get comfortable. He tends to sleep in positions that take up a large part of my king size matteess. Since becoming single, I prefer to sleep in the middle of the mattress and I can’t do that with him there.
The last couple of nights, he’s managed to stay in his own bed and I’ve slept so well.
I am fully aware of how difficult this is for him but this is a selfcare thing for me and that if I sleep better, everyone benefits.
The goal is to keep this going and I’m so proud of him for actively trying to push through this challenge. I appreciate it and so does every part of me that requires sleep to function.
I’m guessing he has trouble with self-soothing. Could he listen to music to fall asleep? Maybe that wouldn’t work if he would just end up surfing the internet. I remember having a clock radio when I was young, and having it wake me in the morning. That may have gone the way of the cuckoo.