I spent some time word vomiting about myself in the last post and I want to do a more general update here. There’s a lot going on and we should probably get caught up.
The kids are getting back to school on the 19th and at this point, it seems like it will be in person. That’s great news. I am however, concerned about the very real lack of a mask mandate. The delta variant is a serious threat and no one under the age of 12 is vaccinated. I see nothing good coming from this and I feel like it’s highly unlikely that we will be able sustain in person learning.
I’m hearing that children’s hospitals are filling up with COVID cases. These are kids who cannot protect themselves or their parents have for whatever reason, choose not to vaccinate them. This is not going to end well.

Anyway, I need to get some school shopping done and start figuring out the logistics of trasnport. Assuming in person happens, the boys will be in different school buildings for the first time. I have to be in two places at the same time, so I need to figure that out.
I’m finally scheduling recording sessions again after a bit of a hiatus. With school starting, I will have a bit more time to myself during the day and I will be able to refocus on work.
St Jude is coming on the podcast to talk about how important it is to get kids vaccinated as soon as they are eligible. I’m hearing a great deal of concern coming from my friends in the epidemiology community and when they worry, I worry. While it’s true that everyone in my house is vaccinated, Gavin is still immunocompromised and the vaccine is less effective on the immunocompromised population. I worry about him.