I’ve totally been dragging today. I didn’t really accomplish anything and I’m okay with that. We’re going to call it a mental health day. Elliott’s been having a rough time and I’ve been up with him the last couple of nights. I definitely have a nap calling my name after I get some work done.
I’m waiting on more paint before finishing the living room and I’m looking at Saturday before I can get started again. Aside from the first floor being torn apart, it’s given me extra time to get caught up at work. The podcast production side of things is getting busy, and is time consuming. I’ve learned so much since starting this new venture and I’ve been able to connect with so many amazing people.

I’ve got a lot of staring at a screen and picking apart audio streams ahead of me today but I’m grateful to have the work. I’m also grateful to be in a position to bring you information that might help to improve your lives.
I’m currently working with my second film company and that’s been exciting. I screened an inspiring movie called Tyson’s Run over the weekend and interviewed the director Kim Bass and lead actor Major Dodson this week. It was a very cool experience for me.

Tyson’s Run hits theaters nationwide on March 4th. Check your local listings and take the whole family.
I’m super excited to play a small role in the promotion of this film. Here’s the trailer.
Tyson’s Run is a story about an unathletic boy with #autism striving to become an unlikely marathon champion giving his unfulfilled father purpose and a second chance at putting his family first.
I really feel lucky to be able to do this stuff and as I’m learning more about how my brain works (hence the whole ADHD journey I’m starting), I’m finding everything is kinda falling into place. When you believe in something, it’s important to see it through. Maybe it ultimately fails but maybe it doesn’t. Maybe I end up changing course at some point but maybe I’m doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing.
I’m coming out of a period of many changes in my life and it’s not always been easy. At the end of the day, I feel good about myself, and I’m making a difference. I’ve got such a good thing going for me and I’m determined to succeed.
I get to help people, build a better future for my family, and be present for my kids. It’s not perfect but I don’t need it to be. I’ll just keep growing, learning from my mistakes, and setting reasonable goals for myself as I move forward.
As for the painting, I’m looking forward to moving out of the living room, so I finally put it back together. I need to get our TV replaced under warranty and I’ve been waiting to get the living room done because I’m going to have it mounted. It doesn’t make sense to mess with that until the room is ready.
I also decided to replace the second floor carpet as well. I was debating exposing the hardwood floors but nope, carpet it is.
I’m really excited to put my office/studio back together also, and I have a few ideas to further improve the quality of audio I put out. That’s going to be high on my priority list. For the moment, I’m feeling pretty good and focusing on making progress where I can.
Hope you’re all having a great week thus far. ☺
Looks like a really great film. I have to see this movie! Applause to the actors, producer, writer, director and crew who made the film.