How to continue to develop your career while raising children

For many people, childcare is unaffordable, or a child’s needs might mean that staying home to look after children is what is best for the family. With no other roles outside of parenting though, many people can become low with anxiety and depression, as they are isolated from other adult interactions. Many parents consider that staying at home to provide childcare can hold them back considerably in their careers, but this does not always need to be the case. There are several ways that parents can still actively work or develop their career opportunities during a period of ‘hands-on’ childcare. Read on for more information. Create a routine that includes support Having a structure to your daily activities is important for not only the welfare of the children but also…


“My 4 year old was just diagnosed and I’m so scared. What am I supposed to do?”

I wanted to share this here because not everyone follows me on IG. I was answering a follower question and found myself really struggling to get through it. I spent almost 45 minutes trying to get this right. The question was "My 4 year old was just diagnosed and I'm so scared. What am I supposed to do?" I think so many of us can relate to this question and I think it hit me harder because I remember exactly what this felt. Anyway, I hope this helps.

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Interacting with your autistic children

If you've recently discovered that your kid is on the autism spectrum, you might be feeling anxious and unsure about what's next. You may be puzzled about how to assist your kid best, or you maybe misled by contradicting therapy recommendations. This is all pretty common. Take a deep breath, and don't assume things about how your child's life will be. There are tons of resources out there to help. contains a wealth of information to assist you in taking care of your autistic kid and letting them thrive and develop their abilities. This article will help you understand your child's behavior and how to cope with it. Simple Parenting Tips For Dealing With Autistic Children From behavioral therapy to nutritional therapy, there are several therapies available to assist children…


Don’t take these things for granted

As far as Mondays are concerned, it's been a good one. Elliott's in Spring break but Emmett isn't. That's super annoying but whatever. Emmett has his break in a month. I had a really insightful conversation today over lunch. You're never too old to learn new things or see stuff from a different perspective. So enlightening and I'm definitely better for it. I was running errands with the two youngest today and I took them to get haircuts. It went well and I didn't give bit a second thought until I got home. There was a time when something as simple as getting a haircut was anything but simple. In fact, it wasn't until the last couple of years that haircuts have been a relatively easy undertaking. I have absolutely…


Color me impressed

I think any parent of an autistic child who's exploring the possibility of mainstream school for the first time, can relate to what I've been feeling. After a decade of charter school, Elliott has been mainstreamed. This really should have happened long ago but it's happening now and I wanted to share part of that journey. His first full day was going well and honestly, did go well. The new school is a huge change from what he's used to. The volume of students alone has increased from 60 to what I learned last night was actually over 2,000 students. That's a big adjustment. I'll be completely upfront and say that I have been a nervous wreck about these changes. I imagine that some of you out there can relate.…


What is now is not necessarily what will be later

For a number of reasons, the last few weeks have been physically and emotionally exhausting. There are a million reasons for this but I'm not going to talk about everything. I just want to focus on the ones that may be the most helpful to parents out there living in the trenches on a daily. I have so many positive things in my life and I appreciate every single one of them. There are other things going on that weigh heavy on me, cause me to feel overwhelmed, unsure, and even alone. I've been talking about some of the school-related difficulties and how as a parent, I'm just trying to do the right thing. The school issues have been going on since returning from Christmas break. I've been incredibly overwhelmed…

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Mainstream Anxiety

It's been a minute because my life has been a little overwhelming lately. I'm feeling incredibly anxious tonight, and I thought it might be helpful to write for a bit before I try to get some sleep. There's a few things going on right now that have me on edge, and I'm going to go into a few of them. This isn't going to be the smoothest article I've written, and it's not meant to be. I'm looking to purge and walk away from some of this shit I'm struggling with. The biggest thing keeping me awake tonight is that Elliott starts at a new high school in the morning. It's been an emotionally exhausting couple of months for Elliott and me. Elliott has been handling everything like a champ,…


How #ABA Took Fun Off the (Little) Table

One idea behind many ABA/Discrete Trial type programs is repetition and practice. The more opportunities, the more progress. That’s how we got to 40-hour per week programs for three-year-olds. Yeah, that is crazy, it’s not just you—and it doesn’t have to be this way. My oldest child was around two when I started to see ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) differently. It’s a shift I am forever grateful, and it took my career on a completely new path. Around the time of this shift, my mother bought my oldest a little wooden table. It was a $40 steal at a local hardware store. The evening she brought it over, we both watched as my daughter (also her first grandchild) danced in delight around the table, sitting, getting down, switching chairs. She…