Gavin’s IVIG infusion was a complete disaster

I mentioned earlier that we were all excited because Gavin got new tubing for his IVIG Infusions that have historically reduced the infusion times significantly.. Unfortunately,  that didn't prove to be the case today.   In fact, his infusion took almost 3 hours to complete and that's pretty close to the record for longest infusions I can remember. It was also really uncomfortable for him as well. He did manage to hold up really well but this sorta killed the excitement of the new tubing. It's possible it was just a bad placement of the needles and we'll see how things go on Fridays morning.


Gavin’s IVIG Infusions are changing today and here’s why

Tonight's posts will have to do with some changes that are coming. The  two changes that will be discussed, beginning with this post and ending in the follow up a few hours later, should bring about positive results.  In this post, I wanted to share a change that is being made to Gavin's biweekly IVIG infusions that should improve his experience.  Let's get everyone caught up.  For starters, why is Gavin on IVIG and what does it do? I'd have to look back for the exact date but roughly 4 years ago, it was discovered that for some unknown reason, Gavin's immune system had become permanently and severely compromised.  No one has any idea what happened or why but there it is.  As a side note, this happened about the…


My son with #Autism read chapters one and two of the new book he’s writing :)

This was broadcast earlier this morning on Periscope. You can follow me on Periscope and catch my love broadcasts at @the_autism_dad. The videos remain their for 24 hours before they are automatically removed. You can catch replays by visiting my Videos page. Here's Gavin reading chapter one and two of his new book, A Journey To Another Universe. ❤️❤️😀😀👍👍