No one is harder on me than me

There are a million and one things that could easily be considered one of the toughest parts about Autism Parenting. Occasionally, one of these toughest parts makes its way to the front of the line and weighs heavy. This is the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night because it's too abstract to really process and completely intangible. I thought I would share what I'm currently struggling with because I want something positive to come from my journey. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you can't. My hope is that if you can, you realize that you aren't alone. As a parent to three boys with Autism, I'm my own toughest critic. I hear people's thoughts and/or opinions of my abilities as a parent all the time. Some people…


The exhaustion is real

I'm not sure I go a day without mentioning the word exhaustion, somewhere in this blog. The reason for that is because exhaustion plays an enormous role in my life.  One of the reasons I talk about it so much is because it's one of the many things that people don't quite understand when it comes to Autism parenting. The level of exhaustion I feel right now is rather extreme.  It always feels like I'm chasing sleep for one reason or another.  Sometimes I'm too stressed out to sleep. Other times, I'm dealing with one or more of my kids being unable to sleep. There are even times when I'm simply too tired to fall asleep. I know how that sounds but it's what happens.  Most Autism parents probably couldn't…


Taking turns sleeping

One of the things that Lizze and I had to accept, very early in in our Autism parenting careers, was lack of sleep. It was probably one of the hardest to deal with as well. Over the years, my wife and I figured out that the only way to ensure that either one of us gets enough sleep, or any sleep for that matter, was to take turns.  The idea of taking turns sleeping, is a concept that can be difficult to accept, but essential to practice.  Taking turns sleeping is tough because it requires you to change the family dynamic in a way that can also make things more difficult. Rather than being a team, one person is sleeping, while the other is holding down the fort.  Lizze and I…


I had to do what I thought was best

I took the boys to the indoor playground. Unfortunately, there were a ton of little kids, and I wasn't comfortable letting Gavin use the equipment.  Maybe that wasn't the right decision, but I had to do what I thought was best for all involved.  Gavin was fine with it, and he just hung out with me.  It's hard because Gavin's so much younger on the inside than he is on the outside. When parents have their little kids playing on this playground, they can be uncomfortable with an almost 18 year old, with facial hair, playing good with their kids.  I totally get it. It's just one of those things that I have to manage as an Autism parent.  Regardless, everyone had fun, and we were able to get out…


#Autism Parenting Insight – When #SpecialNeeds families have to make difficult decisions 

I wanted to update you on what we decided to do, in regards to our family cookout, and why. The reason it's important to share this experience is because special needs families face these kinds of decisions all the time. Circumstances will vary, but the need to make a difficult decision, that will undoubtedly leave some people upset, is very common.  I can't stress enough, how often we live our lives minute to minute. When we're dealing with various chronic health issues, things pop up all the time.  My goal is to provide some insight into why we made the decision we did in this particular situation.  After a long, sleepless night with Mr. Emmett, Lizze and I made our decision not to go. We decided to err on the…


Thinking outside of the box to meet my kids sensory needs

I've really been slacking off in the writing arena lately. I've been doing this for so many years that I get sorta burn out on writing sometimes. Taking a day or two or three off, isn't a bad thing.  I wanted to get you all caught up, as well as inspire you to think outside of the box, as I illustrate in this post.  If I had to summarize our Sunday, I would probably focus on something a little bit newer, that I haven't talked about recently.  I spent a large part of Sunday, trying to come up with creative ways for the boys to get some sensory feedback, in a very positive way. If you have a sensory seeker in your home, you're probably familiar with jumping on couches,…


This a teachable moment for #Autism parents

I guess today was the first official day of summer vacation. It was a relatively uneventful day, as far as Autism parenting goes. I can actually put a check in the win column for this one.  Gavin had his IVIG infusion this morning, and it went really well. He spent the infusion in his room watching Netflix, but there wasn't anything that had him freaking out. ☺  He did spend a large portion of the day sleeping, after his infusion completed.  Elliott was feeling much better today and that's always a good thing. I hate when my kids are sick. Both he and Emmett had their ups and downs today, but in general, they got along.  As the afternoon began to cool off a little bit, I tackled the yard.…


Did I do well enough today? 

Folks, I'm burned out. It's been about twenty-four hours since I've written anything. It's important to understand that while I'm physically and emotionally exhausted, I'm not giving up on anything.  One of the things I've learned on my Autism Parenting journey is, that I have no idea what tomorrow has in store.  No matter how bad today has been, as long as I live to see tomorrow, there's always hope. It's so easy to get lost on this treacherous, exhausting, overwhelming, and all consuming journey. I've found myself lost many times along the way. In fact, that's where the title of my first blog came from.  I felt lost and tired, especially in the beginning. I can totally relate to what many of you are going through.  Sometimes, the only…

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