Read more about the article Can Language Delay Be Confused With Autism?
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Can Language Delay Be Confused With Autism?

Some of the hallmarks of ASD are speech and language delays, so it isn’t unusual to confuse these signs with autism even if they aren’t. Language and speech delay is not specific to autism since neurotypical kids commonly experience them, too. However, it is important to note that language delays associated with autism have some very clear distinctions from other kinds of delays. In many instances, these differences can be spotted even by untrained eyes. Overdue language milestones can be concerning, but they don’t automatically translate to autism. Today we’ll go over why speech delays happen and how to tell if they’re ASD-linked or not. The Differences Between Speech Delays Early on in life, we learn communication is key to getting the things we want. Long before babies use spoken…


How to Make Your Home More Autism Friendly

Anyone who has children with autism knows how stressful and challenging it can be sometimes. You also know how rewarding it can be too. A child with autism can be far more sensitive than other children, and they need extra care and attention to avoid sensory overload. To ensure that they feel safe and secure in their own home, you need to put a lot of time and effort into creating a fully functional home. It needs to cater to their special needs and provide the right amount of sensory stimulus to help them remain relaxed and progress in their lives. Although it is impossible to be perfect, it is possible to make things a lot easier for all concerned. You need to consider all the senses and how someone…

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Read more about the article We meet again Akron Children’s

We meet again Akron Children’s

My day is off to a great start. I slept through the night and woke up feeling energized. I bought donuts last night to surprise the kids this morning. I have a relatively busy morning in front of me but I know I totally got this. Elliott got off to school without a problem, although he insisted on wearing shorts again. That's a sensory thing and something I'll talk about another time because it's becoming a problem this time of year. At the moment, Emmett and I are in the waiting room at Akron Children's Hospital. He's got his PT evaluation in a few minutes and he's really excited. He loved PT when he was younger and he once again needs some extra help to navitage the world safely. ENHAN…


Consider me a believer

I woke up this morning and was feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. Work can be stressful sometimes, for a number of reasons. I'm rebuilding and growing, all at the same time. I'm one person doing the job of multiple people and that can be difficult. Something new I've gotten into recently is positive affirmations. This morning, I really had to push myself to do this but I'll be damned if it didn't work. I picked up several new clients and had a fantastic business day. I recorded two great interviews today as well. I'm super stoked because the good news didn't end there. I mentioned that I moved my podcast to a new server. It's not something my audience will notice but it's making a big difference. I've been waiting…


Why I’m taking my youngest back to physical therapy

We're bringing back an old family favorite this week in the form of physical therapy. Emmett will be making his return to PT on Wednesday. He goes for his evaluation on Wednesday and hopefully, he'll be approved for at least a few months. Emmett used to be very tiny and was in PT to help with strengthing and muscle tone. He was also in OT as well. He reached a point where he was doing well enough that he no longer qualified and insurance stopped paying.. Fast forward a few years and Emmett's grown quite a bit. He's constantly turning his right ankle, as well as sorta dragging his foot, which causes him to trip. Anyway, he's been on a wait list for PT for months now and it's finally…

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Read more about the article Two out of three ain’t bad

Two out of three ain’t bad

Our afternoon was spent hiking in the woods. While I was successful in getting Elliott to join us, Gavin wanted nothing to do with it. It ended up being Elliott, Emmett, and me. We had a really good time. Emmett's new boots kept him from hurting himself, which is a good thing. It's was stunning to see how beautifully Fall has embraced Northeast Ohio. The park was super crowded and that made it a bit less pleasant but we had lots of fun anyway. The boys got along for the most part and I definitely feel like I was my mood was improved by spending time in the woods. I'm I didn't get as much done today as I was hoping to but it was still time well spent. At…

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It’s a self-care kinda day and here’s what I have planned

It's been a relatively quiet day so far. It's beautiful outside and the kids have been working on the house while I've been working I still have 3 seasons to remaster and re-upload. It sucks and it's time consuming but otherwise pretty easy. Anyway, the boys have been a great job with minimal fighting. I really appreciate the minimal fighting side of things because it's exhausting and annoying for me to have to deal with. I'm sure many of you can relate. Something that I haven't really talked much about is that we've been trying to reserve Sundays for hiking. Getting out into the woods is the absolute best way to both end one week and begin another. Depending on the weekend, it might just be a grown-ups only…


My kids had an exciting new experience today

As I'm beginning to live my best life, I'm finding myself exposed to lots of new and exciting things. I feel like I've lived a relatively sheltered life because I'm experiencing so many new things for the first time, and I'm in my early forties. One of the things I'm deliberately experiencing is food from different cultures. I'm being introduced to foods from all over the world and it's been an amazing experience. I'm lucky to have a great guide through all this stuff and I can't believe I've lived so much of my life, having not tried some of these things. For the longest time, I was waking up feeling like it was one day closer to my death. That's a shitty way to live. Now I wake up…

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