A little self-care goes a long way

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 8, 2022

I was feeling a little overwhelmed the last few days, but I’m in a better place today. I can be really easy to get lost in the moment and lose sight of what matters. I think that’s what happened to me and once I realized that, I was able to put things into perspective.

While the school changes this year proved to be too much, it does appear that we have found a solution that allows for the best of both worlds. They can work from home and still have the opportunities that in-person students have. I’ve had a couple of really good interviews this week, and I’m looking forward to digging into the production side of them.

I’d like to take the kids to Cuyahoga Valley National Park this weekend. I feel like we have plans for Sunday, but I don’t remember what they are. It’s not in my calendar so it may just be a feeling. Either way, I guess we’ll find out.

I’m starting to get excited because I love Fall. I absolutely love Fall. The leaves are already changing, and the weather is sorta cooling off a bit as well. I cannot wait to go hiking and get lost in nature. I’m also looking forward to getting Happy out into the woods. I think he will really enjoy it. I’m not so sure about Ruby because she doesn’t travel well and freaks out in the car. Every time I give it another try, I’m reminded of why I stopped trying in the first place. lol

I need to start getting ready to head out to the gym. I don’t feel like going today, but that’s all the more reason to push myself. Working out is a fantastic way to get a much-needed dopamine hit for my ADHD brain. I always feel better walking out of the gym after a good workout. Self-care matters folks. Please do something kind for yourself today and feel free to let me know what you did in the comments below. A little self-care goes a long way.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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