Why I sent my #specialneeds son to his room

It's been one of those days were Gavin being Gavin has really been challenging for me. It's not his fault and I'm not angry with him at all but I am frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed.  The issue for me is that he's not functioning at a very high level today and he's creating more work for me as a result. I'm having to constantly chase after him, keep him from hurting himself in accident and the repetition.. OMG the repetition..  Some of you will understand that statement, some of you will be empathetic and others will think I'm putting Gavin down. The reality is that I'm voicing my frustrations over a situation I'm currently existing in. Speaking about my feelings, has absolutely no impact on whether or not I love…


Why I take time to myself everyday

As an Autism parent for almost sixteen years, I can say that it's a stressful job. I've often said that it's 25/8/366 because of the nature of Autism.  I want to take a minute and share why it's so important for me to take time to myself. For starters, I know that it's not always easy to physically remove myself from the equation because life has a way of making it so I'm always putting out fires. Plus, finding a sitter for three kids with Autism isn't an easy task.  None of the challenges associated with taking time for myself, negate the importance of it.  As someone who lives in a constant state of hypervigilance, I often feel like I'm on the brink of insanity. There's so much that goes…


How I know when it’s best to keep my son with #Autism home from school

At the advice of one of my readers, who suggested providing more insight into the how's and why's of our life, I thought I would take that advice and begin with a decision we often struggle with, every single morning.  I want to take a few minutes and explain what goes into deciding whether or not we keep Emmett home from school. This may seem like a weird topic but I know many parents in my situation, likely struggle with the same thing.  Emmett is our youngest of three with Autism, at eight years of age.  He's profoundly impacted by sensory processing disorder. He struggles with things coming into contact with his skin. Wearing clothes, shoes, socks or anything else can be very, very uncomfortable for him. In fact, it…


I don’t even know what day it is

The boys have had a pretty good day so far. They were so quiet that I was able to grab a short nap while they were playing Xbox together. We're on the final day of our four day weekend, and it feels more like a Sunday than a Monday. I have to eventually run out and grab a few things the boys will need for school this week, but aside from that, it's just a lazy day. The week is going to be thrown off because it does feel like a Sunday and that will keep me a day behind throughout the week. It's weird how that works but this kind of weekend always throws off my internal clock. I'm hoping to have a peaceful afternoon and evening. We need to…

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#Autism Parenting Exhaustion 

I've been dragging a little bit lately. Honestly, I feel completely spent, like all the life has been drained from my body. My diet and exercise journey has suffered as a result. The problem is probably more complicated than this, but I'm very sleep deprived. Even when the boys are gone for the night, my sleep patterns are still messed up. Almost every single night, one or both of the boys have a problem in the sleep department that requires me to either wake up or not go to sleep yet. Some may read this post and hear only excuses for my lack of discipline. Others who live a life similar to mine will better understand where I'm coming from. It's difficult to function when you didn't sleep well the…