#Autism is not an excuse

Gavin's had a so so kinda day today.  Unfortunately, we closed the day out with a tantrum and series of bad choices. We held him accountable for not listening and causing trouble.  It wasn't anything super major but it wasn't the first time this evening that we had to speak with him about this issue.  The consequence was that he lost his Yugioh cards and will have to earn them back. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. When it was time for his meds, he was threatening to throw them across the floor. That cost him 10 Pokemon cards and he will have to earn those back as well. Again, he didn't stop.  As he stormed up the stairs to get ready for bed, he screamed in Elliott's face as Elliott…


I’m so proud of my wife

Things have been really bad for Lizze lately, especially pain-wise. She's having to use her cane all the time now.  However, she wanted to go with me to the grocery store, especially since my Mom was going to watch the boys for a little while.  When we got to the store, her pain was so bad after the first few minutes that she was in tears.  We had discussed her using a motorized scooter that Giant Eagle offers but she wasn't comfortable doing that and was honestly too embarrassed.  Lizze told me to finish shopping and she would just make her way out to the car and wait.  I wanted to walk her out but she said she would be fine and I've learned over the years to respect her…


Good News :)

Our grocery situation has finally been fixed.  We haven't been able to go full grocery shopping in over a month.  This was a very meager month and I'm so grateful for our family helping us out in our time of need.  For those of you wondering what the heck I'm talking about, here's the backstory.  My family is on the Ohio Direction Card (food stamps). We have to recertify every year and that has always been a smooth process.  This year was different.  Some of our paperwork was lost along the way and our account was not renewed.  We resubmitted the missing paperwork and were told it would be done in a few days. Thirty days later, it still wasn't done and while we were able to stock odds and…

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Share your child’s Artwork or Creation

I love to share the artwork or creations my kids are responsible for making.  They love to see their creations on the site and are always excited to see what people think. I thought I would offer to do the same for your as well.  Simply shoot me an email and include whatever you'd like to share, including name, age and description of the creation and I'll feature your child's Artwork for an entire day. I will only allow positive comments to a post with your child's Artwork featured, so no worries.  I have the best readers in the world and I know they would love to see what your child is creating. :-) Instructions are included in the picture below. This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for…


Emmett’s Lego Phineas

Emmett created a Lego Phineas yesterday out of....well... Legos.  This Lego Phineas is carrying the baseball glove gun from the episode with Meep. He did a really good job and is quite proud of himself. He's also excited to share this with all of you. Check out Phineas's red hair.  Too cute..  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


#Autism Fact of the day: 07/26/2013

Today's Autism fact of the day is a really important one.  There seems to be a great deal of misconception about this particular fact and I believe that the community as a whole would benefit greatly from a better understanding. I am of course, talking about the meltdown. So many people assume that when a child with Autism  is throwing a fit that it's a behavioral issue or that there's bad parenting involved.  The reality is that majority of the time, the child or adult with Autism in question, has absolutely no control over these outbursts. These are called meltdowns and can easily be confused with tantrums. The main difference it What's going on behind the curtain. In the simplest terms, a meltdown is the body's way of purging when…

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A little bit of fun

This evening we took the boys to the playground and aside from Gavin's little mishap, everyone had a good time. It's nice to see all three of the boys playing outside together and having fun. I was able to grab a picture of them running together.  Gavin's in the classic Sonic pose but he did much better this time around.  :-) Depending on how today goes, we might to get them back there. We'll have to see.  Free family fun can always be found at the playground.  :-) This site is managed almost exclusively via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as autocorrect HATES me. ;-) Follow @Lost_and_Tired Visit the My Autism Help Forums To reach me via email, please Contact Me


We had a little accident

We took the boys to the playground this evening.  I sat in the car for a minute because T-Mobile just turned on the LTE towers but the signal stops about a mile from my house.  We lost our Internet at home and so I was taking advantage of the connection to finish a few things up. All three of the boys took off running towards the playground, with Lizze behind them.  She's moving around a bit better today so she joined us.  Anyway, next thing I know, I hear this loud bang. I heard it from well over a 100 yards away. It was Gavin.  He had been running like Sonic the Hedgehog, (See picture below) where he leans forward, throws his arms back and runs like hell. Apparently he…