The Lighter Side of #Autism: Fun and Exercise

I shot this the other day while walking the track with my kids. Mr. Emmett was not in the walking mood. He was in a riding on Daddy's shoulders for as long as he can get away with it kinda mood. 😀 Hey, I was looking for exercise and adding another 50 lbs or so to my shoulders was exactly that. lol Emmett ended up walking half and riding half of the 1.5 miles.


Introducing the Autisable Live show by @Autisable

I'm super excited to share with you the Autisable Live show. This is the product of love, sweat and tears by my really good friend Joel Manzer. Joel is a few Autism Dad and the man behind the popular site, Autisable. Below is the very first episode of Autisable Live. Please check it out. It's family friendly and full of Autism Awareness. Share this video with your family and friends to help spread Autism Awareness. You can follow Autisable on the social media sites below. Instagram Facebook Pinterest Youtube Twitter LinkedIn


The boys are ready for their overnight visit with their Mom

The boys are ready to go to their overnight visit with their Mom. I was even ready about 30 minutes early.  😀 No one is particularly upset about going.  In fact, Elliott even said he was looking forward to it but I suspect I know why.  Once again, I have absolutely no plans for tonight except for treating myself to a giant burrito from Chipotle. It's almost my birthday and 1 of only 2 nights off a month I get.  I figured I'd splurge a little bit in myself. 😏 It will be nice to eventually get to a point where I'm making plans with someone special but I'm in no particular rush.    


My son with #Autism has bizarre pain perception 

My boys all have their unique challenges but one of the ones that's the difficult for me to personally understand is pain perception. This particular challenges is isolated to Gavin alone and I'm really grateful for that.  Well, I'm not grateful he has this issue but instead that it doesn't impact the other boy's as well.  Anyways, this particular issue is very much sensory based from what I understand and I don't think there is much that can be done to help him with this.. Here's the problem. Ever since Gavin was little, he would freak out over the most minor of injuries, like a hangnail or paper-cut. More serious injuries like a sprained ankle, serious cut or dislocated joint.. He didn't like any of these but never gets too…


Waiting for blood work 

We had to get up extra early this morning and head out to get Gavin's biweekly blood work done. This blood work is required before he can get another two weeks worth of his antipsychotic, Clozapine. The process sucks but it's a necessary evil and I understand why it has to be this way.  The boys are in the back seat and waiting isn't exactly their strong suit.  Emmett is playing the same song over and over and over again on his tablet O_o.  Elliott is knee deep in his list of requests for the morning and I can't indulge any of them but that doesn't stop him from relentlessly asking. I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna lose my mind here.    

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The Special Needs Parenting Creed

This is something that I struggle with quite a bit but this is what I tell myself in the really bad days..  I truly hope it helps you to find the strength to make it through those really bad days.. ❤️ Please help me share this post, especially if you know someone who could really use the encouragement... Thank you.. 😀   


I’ve been focusing on my failures a lot lately 

I've been focusing a great deal on my failures lately, as the title of this post states but I'm not doing this intentionally.. I could be wrong but I suspect many of us (single and or special needs parents) do the same thing from time to time. Frankly, it's kinda hard not to, especially when you know that you can't always or ever for that matter, meet your kids needs.  I can't easily explain what it feels like to know that you will never be enough to meet all of your special needs child's needs. It really isn't even a shortcoming because sometimes their needs are so demanding that it's just not possible to meet all of them..     That's a pretty logical argument but there's no logic when it…

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I probably need more help than I’m getting 

I had a really bad night, amounting to less than 2 hours of sleep. Emmett got up extremely early and was not going back to bed.  The boys let me nap this morning and I'm grateful for that beyond words because I couldn't even get my eyes to focus. I'm lucky because as long as I'm right there, I can close my eyes for a short period of time without the universe imploding. I say I'm lucky because not everyone will even get that.. 😟 The sleep that I did get was shrouded in a disorienting theme that I'm struggling with, long after they ceased to be.     Truthfully, I probably need to get a bit more help with this than I am and perhaps I'll be better able to…