Never Give Up

Life isn't easy on the best of days, let alone the rest. I know how hard it can be to continue moving forward when things get so overwhelming that it's hard to think straight. I've been there so many times, I should just by property and build a second house.  Unfortunately, this is just the way it is sometimes, and there isn't anything we can do about it.  The reality is, we're all going to have good days/weeks/months or even years, as well as bad ones. It's part of being human.  When you toss in things like Autism or any other form of mental/physical health challenges, life becomes even more challenging than before.  All we can do is take care of ourselves, our kids, utilize any available help, and trust…


How To: Creating Posts within WordPress

In this post, you will learn all about creating and managing posts within WordPress. Please feel free to share these tutorials is they help you. Remember to ask any questions you may have in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them. Blogging is a great way to express yourself and connect with other like minded people. Enjoy. You will learn the following: Adding New Posts Using Trash Restoring Posts Revisions [wpmudev-video group="posts" show_title="1"]


Sounds like a win to me

The boys left a little while ago and we will have a break until sometime tomorrow. Lizze is currently sleeping and I've decided to catch-up on some work while I watch the Underworld series from the beginning. Underworld is one of my all time favorite movies. ☺  I don't think Lizze is feeling up to going anywhere tonight, and that's fine.  A quiet night without bedtime battles sounds good to me. I've not been sleeping good and I can actually take something to helpe tonight. That sounds like a win to me. ☺ 


How To: Using the WordPress Dashboard

In this first series of tutorial videos, you will learn to use and navigate the WordPress dashboard. This is the heart of WordPress and a great place to start when looking to create your own WordPress based blog. Remember to bookmark this post for use in future reference. In this post, you will learn:  The Dashboard The Admin Bar Quick Draft Changing Your Password [wpmudev-video group="dashboard" show_title="1"]


How to manage comments in WordPress

People are always asking me about starting their own blogs. They like the idea of being able to vent or connect with others, or even trying to supplement their income with ad revenue. I'm hoping that these short tutorials can help you learn to manage a WordPress blog. As always, please feel free to ask questions in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer them. [wpmudev-video group="comments" show_title="1"]


Never take breaks for granted 

I'm pretty sure the boys will be going to Lizze's parents today. There hasn't been any confirmation yet, but we'll make do either way. If the boys end up going, Lizze and I will get some time to ourselves. We've been under a great deal of stress this week. There's no one thing that's really weighing on us. It's more like a combination of things. The point is, all this stress has introduced some tension into the mix and that's not something either one of us want. Getting a break would mean that we can have some time, outside of all this Autism and Special Needs parenting stress. These breaks, are good for us, both as individuals, and as a couple. As I always like to stress, not everyone is…


I’m very concerned 

As Gavin begins to struggle more and more with life, I find myself in a position once again, where I'm unsure of what to do.  Yesterday was a bit rough for Gavin. I had to make changes to the way he was doing things and he didn't take it well. Lizze and I never nitpick any of our kids, especially when it comes to Gavin.  While we don't nitpick, there are times we have to correct him. These kinds of corrections are usually the result of safety concerns. Sometimes these corrections are an attempt to avoid him breaking something, or accidentally hurting someone, himself included. Gavin would never do either of those things on purpose.  What I'm finding is that Gavin is less able to deal with these or any…


Received 2 absolute blessings today

Sometimes, we are totally blessed by the things that happen in our lives, and today was one of those days.  As we approach the end of the month, things get tighter financially. I was settling in for a week of tightly managing our grocery budget, when some amazing news arrived. Actually, we received two pieces of good news.  The first piece of life saving news came in the mail this afternoon. Apparently, we overpaid our auto and home owners insurance by a relatively significant amount, and State Farm issued us a refund check. Surprise... ☺  About the exact same time, I received an email notice that Google had made my monthly deposit. This was a surprise as well because according to my records, I missed the threshold for payout by…