It was a weird day but I finished an awesome project (Check out the pictures)

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  • Post last modified:November 8, 2019

It was a weird day. The boys made it through the day at school and my Mom picked them up at the end of the day. She was going to take them both to dinner and then to hang out. On the way to her house, Elliott called and wanted to come home because Emmett was driving him crazy. He wanted a break and we of course, welcomed him home with open arms.

Gavin arrived home a little while later after spending a day and a half at Lizze’s parents. He had a great time but it was good to have him home. ☺

A little before dinner, I was inspired to finish a project that needed to be done.

We had recently lost most of the fish in our EcoQube (see my full EcoQube C review) and the boys were really sad. They died of ich, which is a weird thing to begin with. They became covered in little white dots and while we treated them, all that were infected died.

I decided to hit the pet store and replace the fish. We were limited cause a bunch of the tanks were being treated for ich but we found a few new fish and a new plant.

When we got home, I cleaned the EcoQube out and completely redid it. It looks pretty fricking awesome. Check out the pictures below.. ☺

This is the new setup

This tiny little tank is really relaxing for the kids and I have it up on our mantel so they can see it from anywhere in the living room. I’m really happy with the new setup and I can’t wait to get my next EcoQube to review.. ☺

Anyway, Emmett came home about bedtime and was beyond hyper. It was super fun putting him to bed but Lizze read to him until he was out.

As for Valentines Day, Lizze and I spent the rest of the evening watching Supernatural and hanging out. We didn’t have a fancy Valentines Day and weren’t able to go out but we were together. Since Lizze and I went through our separation a couple of years back, we have a renewed appreciation for the little things… ☺ 💙

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Good that you had some time together, low key or otherwise.


Good that you had some time together, low key or otherwise.