Here’s how my appointment with the divorce attorney went today

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  • Post last modified:March 29, 2021

Just wanted to drop a quick update because I think it’s relavent and I’m hoping to set a positive example for anyone else going through something similar.

I only talk about my experience and do so very honestly. I don’t talk about the reasons why this is happening though. I know it seems more one sided and I suppose it is but it’s not because I’m hiding anything. I simply want to respect Lizze’s privacy and don’t feel I have the right to share her story. I want to focus on how we’re handling things and what I’ve learned along the way.

While I don’t share all the details, I do share the broad strokes because if someone can learn something from my experience, that’s a positive thing.

With all that said, I wanted to share an update.

As of 1pm today, Lizze and I have both signed the the final separation agreement at my attorney’s office and it should be filed with the court today or tomorrow.

The reason I bring this up is because things like this aren’t easy for a million reasons. I honestly didn’t think I would be okay sitting at a conference table, signing papers that wiped away my marriage of nearly two decades.

This is such an emotionally complex thing for me but I did fine. It wasn’t even that weird. My divorce attorney is amazing and it didn’t take that long. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Lizze and I have everything worked out. We now just wait for a court date and once we have that, we both take a parenting class. The hearing will be in about five or six weeks. It’s done remotely and will take about five minutes.

I’m actually doing much better than I thought I would. I had told Lizze that while I know this is best, and I’m pushing this along, I may be very emotional in the moment. I may not want to see or speak with her for a bit afterwards. She understood that this is very hard for me and I may struggle. It ended up not being a problem and I’m hoping it will be the same situation for the actual hearing. I’m not sure if that will be harder or easier but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Lizze and her mom stopped by the house prior to going so they could say hello to the kids and give them a quick hug. They don’t see each other very often because of COVID and the fact that we have very high risk people in both our households.

Any contact with another human who hasn’t quarantined makes me very nervous, especially since the new, much more contagious strain of COVID has officially been found inside the United States. Lizze and the boys were all masked up and they had brief contact outside. I know it’s not enough but it’s what we agree is the safest approach at this point.

I didn’t get pictures today but these are from a couple weeks ago.

I can’t wait for this nightmare to be over with so we can all get our lives back on track and the kids can see their mom on a regular basis. This has been really hard on all of us but the only reason it’s been as manageable as it has been is because Lizze and I are operating as a team, with a sole focus on what’s best for the kids. We’re both making tremendous sacrifices in order to ensure our kids safety right now.

The kids live with me full time but this is a team effort.

I’m telling you, life during and after divorce is so much easier when you can find a way to work together. I can’t recommend that enough.

Anyway, I love these pictures because there’s so much love captured in these moments and I wanted to share. ☺ ♥

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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