Well that was fun (insert sarcasm here)

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  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 26, 2021

It’s been a really trying day, from a parenting standpoint anyway. I suppose that spills over into everything else as well. If you’re a parent in general, you’ve probably had those days where it’s one thing after another and there is this little voice in the back of your head suggesting you run away and join the circus. LOL

It’s been one of those days.

I’ll just focus on the two most recent things and I’m going to try and keep it short cause I’m pretty tired.

Elliott has an opportunity to go somewhere with a group of friends in the near future. He really, really, really wants to go and I’d love to just say go for it but we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. This will all be indoors and I’m not super comfortable with that.

I told Elliott I would think about it and I am. Part of that process is reaching out to people much smarter than me, who happen to be experts in the field. I’m very lucky to have access to people like this and I try not to take advantage but this was one of those times where I needed advice. I just want the facts and to know what they would do in my situation.

I received my response and the bottomline is there’s no way to say this will be safe. I was given a few things to think about but it requires a great many things outside of my control and the odds are not in my favor. Some of the concerns are that this is indoors and there’s no way to know what mask compliance will be like. I already know where this is going and I just don’t want to disappoint him. It’s my job to keep him safe and as badly as I know he needs to see his friends, I can’t even remotely guarantee his safety if he goes.

I have that hanging over my head and Elliott really wants an answer.

Eariler this afternoon, I had to run to the post office to ship something. When I was done, we were going to go to the garden center and check out the progress Spring is making. I figuresd Elliott could take some pictures and it would get him out of the house for a little bit.

Unfortunately, as we were walking out to the car, Emmett’s sandal caught on a crack in the side walk and he took a spill. His foot really hurts but there’s nothing visibly wrong, aside from maybe a little swelling. I got him to the car cause he still wanted to go and once seated, he began Googling his symptoms and is now convinced that his foot is broken.

Do I think it’s broken? No. That being said, I don’t have xray vision and so it’s possible. It definitely hurts and he can’t put any weight on it. I was able to hit the post office but we skipped the Garden Center and got Emmett home. I had to carry him back into the house when we got home.

He can be an anxious kid and so he’s worried that his foot is broken and nothing I can say will make him feel better. I was a medic for a long time and I know when to worry and when not to. I’m a bit on the fence here because there’s no bruising and I don’t think there’s really any swelling either. At the same time, neither of those things are required for his foot to be fractured, hence I’m on the fence.

He’s in my room tonight because he can’t climb up to the second bunk at the moment. If his foot is still this bad in the morning after school, I’ll probably take him in, just to be safe. I’m not super concerned about but he is in a lot of pain. We iced it and gave him some Motrin for tonight. We’ll see what he’s like in the morning. If he’s feeling better, we’ll probably ride it out a bit longer. If the pain is still this bad, I get him checked out.

He’ll probably just do remote learning in the morning if his foot is still hurting this bad. We’ll see how things go.

There was a few other things going on at the same time and it’s tough to do all this on my own sometimes. I managed and everyone is currently sleeping. That’s a win as far as I’m concerned.

I also squeezed in a quick workout this evening as well. I feeling really good about that and I’d really like to get back to the gym but I think I wait until COVID is better controlled. For now, I’ll just work with what I got.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Becky Wiren

Poor kid. I’m pretty sure I broke a toe once after tripping in just the wrong way while barefoot, and smashing toe. It hurt for the better part of a year. I did ask a doctor I knew and he said there wasn’t much to do. I mention this because while I had a great deal of pain, there was no swelling or redness. So your son might have broken something. I’ve gotten other breaks that didn’t seem to be breaks at the time. Just FYI.