It’s been such a long day and I’m spent

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  • Post last modified:May 12, 2022

It’s been an exceptionally long day for a number of reasons. Emmett wasn’t feeling well I spent five straight hours in meetings this afternoon. Emmett felt better as the day went on and was okay to go visit his mom. Normally, when they are home from school due to not feeling well, they don’t go anywhere. One of the few exceptions are parental visits and this is only true if they aren’t sick with something contagious. Most of the time my kids don’t feel well, it’s emotional or chronic in nature, if that makes sense. As with many kids on the spectrum, there tends to be a lot of anxiety related upset stomachs and things like that.

I think Emmett is dealing with some of the chronic health issues his mom does and it makes you physically not feel well but you’re actually sick with a virus. I’ve got to get him in for testing because it’s becoming more and more of a problem as he gets older. He went to bed tonight not feeling well and I’m not sure how he’s going to be in the morning.

It’s been a rough week for me and I’m feeling spent, after today.

My morning interview needed to reschedule and that worked out well for me because my day was jam packed. My first meeting of the day went so amazingly well and I didn’t realize how far over we went. I met a group of amazing, like minded humans that I may have the opportunity to work with and I’m so excited to learn more. I really do feel fortunate because I’m in a place where I get to connect with some truly amazing people. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

I had another business meeting immediately after that and I’m really excited to see how things are developing. It’s so positive and presents some great opportunities for growth, and I get to help people. I’m what some would call a compulsive helper. I’m seriously drawn to helping people. I’ve always been that way and I’m pretty sure I get that from my Dad. The Autism Dad, LLC affords me the opportunity to build a better future for my family, and help other people at the same time. It’s not perfect, or easy but it’s absolutely worth the effort. It will get easier as I adapt to the rapid growth I’m experiencing.

Prepping for my final meeting of the day

My final meeting of the day lasted for quite a while and ended about 6:30pm. The kids came home about 7pm and I was exhausted. We worked outside for a little bit and then called it a night about 9:30pm. Emmett is going to bed not feeling well and honestly, I feel pretty rough myself. The week is taking it’s toll on me but it’s almost over and tomorrow my schedule is wide open. If I’m feeling like I do now, I’m going to be grateful for slow day.

Ruby’s been so patient with me today but she’s had enough

While it’s been an exhausting day, it’s also been very positive. I was able to stay focused on the things I have control over, and set aside the things I can’t do anything about, at least for the most part.

I’m looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow. Hopefully, I’m feeling better and so is Emmett.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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