Gavin got really sick tonight

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 15, 2020

We had some moments today but overall, I feel like we had a good day. I wasn’t feeling quite as overwhemled as I have been and I was able to get some groceries delivered this afternoon.

I feel very lucky to have had that all work out today.

Unfortunately, that’s where the good news ends. Gavin woke up very early this morning vomiting. He dealt with it on his own and didn’t wake me up until afterwards, so I want much help. I gave him something for the nausea and he was able to go back to sleep.

He was very, very manic today and it was a bit much. Truthfully, he’s absolutely harmless and it’s more annoying than anything else. He just sorta wears me down.

Throughout the day he was battling with a headache, stomach ache and nausea. He has his Zofran and it helps but tonight, he got really sick. He puked again and was miserable. It appears that he’s going through physical withdrawal from the Clozapine. Sunday was his last dose and while he did okay the first day, he was hit hard today.

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Curtis G.

Sorry to hear about Gavin’s difficulties. We also went through our son’s withdrawal period when we weened him off the psychotropic medication that was prescribed by his doctor but we decided the side effects outweighed the benefits. Also, as a former resident counselor, for 9 years, in a group home setting, I watched a lot of the residents dealing with the withdrawal process when taken off their meds because of the side effects. It’s a very difficult process to go through but in our son’s case, the withdrawal problems eventually lessened and disappeared. Take care and to all of you, stay healthy and safe.