I’ve been struggling as a parent for the last couple of weeks. I was pretty stoked about the new school year cause everyone seemed excited, or as excited as possible to go to school. I had already figured out a plan of attack in regard to balancing work and finishing projects around the house.
Now I find myself in limbo because I’m waiting to find out what’s going on.
Emmett has been added to the mix, and now I have both boys in need of change that will require much more of me, and frankly, it’s a little overwhelming. I feel like I was getting my footing, and now, I have no idea what’s going on.
The reality is that they will most likely be transferred to the online academy for their school. It’s not ideal by any means, but it does alleviate the social anxiety and get them back to learning. This is a much better setup than we tried before during the beginning of covid. This is within the local school district, and they can still participate in school functions, like clubs and sports. That’s a big positive, especially for Emmett, who wants to try out for bowling. Elliott doesn’t care and wants to finish his next two years and move on with his life.

I’m trying to meet them where they are and find a solution that works best for their needs. At this point, the online academy seems to be the solution. It does mean that the kids will be home all the time, and I will probably have to micromanage their day, at least to some extent.
I was really looking forward to having a break during the day and being able to focus on work, as well as self-care.
I’ll just have to adjust my plans. It’s not the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. That’s what parents do, right? We find a way to make everything work for our kids, even if it comes at our own expense. I’m not upset with anyone. It’s not their fault, and I understand where they’re coming from. I’m just a little overwhelmed.
This is one of those times when I do find myself getting frustrated because I’m doing all this on my own. Again, that’s not the kids’ fault, and it’s just something I have to keep working through. Parenting after divorce is much better for everyone involved when both parents are involved in healthy ways.
Anyway, I’m still focusing on the whole self-care thing. I go to the gym at least four days a week. The work balance is proving to be a bit more challenging, but I was finally able to replace my aging laptop, and now writing is much easier. The more I write, the better I feel.
Historically, I’ve always written from my phone, but lately, I’ve found it better to write on my laptop. It was no longer living its best life and needed to be retired. Emmett has taken it over, and it works well for him, so that’s a win-win in my book.
I’m hoping to have more answers as far as the school is concerned tomorrow. Fingers crossed.