As a result, we worry all the time

I was able to get a hold of Gavin's psychiatrist's office this afternoon and got the lab results from his blood draw on Monday morning. I actually only got his Absolute Neutrophil count but that's a good chunk of information. His Absolute Neutrophil count has climbed up a couple points from 2.0 to 2.4. This is positive but we don't know why the numbers are climbing back up. Something is wrong and not knowing what it is, makes this even more difficult. We don't know what makes it better or what makes it worse. We don't know what precautions to take or when we should worry. As a result, we worry all the time.


I’m so worried about Gavin’s labs today

I managed to get everything done this morning that needed done. Gavin's labs have been drawn and now all we can do is wait for the results to come in. To say that I'm on edge is an understament because I'm freaking out at this point. I don't know whether things have improved or gotten worse but I'll likely find out in the next few hours. If things have gotten worse for Gavin, we will likely pull the plug on the Clozapine and hopefully see a positive change in his labs.


Clozapine Crisis: Here’s what happened today

We have a plan of attack for how to deal with Gavin's current mental and physical health problems, at least temporarily. The reason I say temporarily is because the particular plan of attack is only until we can finally get into Hematology at Akron Children's Hospital. Let me start with how the appointment with Dr. Reynolds went. It's clear that Gavin's having serious problems and it's at least partially related to the Clozapine. Let me be more specific. The issues with Gavin's blood are at the very leastade worse by the Clozapine, if not completely caused by the Clozapine. At the same time, the overall cognitive and neuro-muscular decline are most likely a result of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. In other words, it's not related to the Clozapine. I mentioned we…


The moment of truth and I feel sick to my stomach

Lizze is home sick with Elliott, who's still sick. Gavin and I are in the waiting room at Dr. Reynolds office. I'm so nervous about this appointment because I know what we're looking at and neither option is good. Gavin's chillin on the couch playing his tablet as he's waiting and I'm trying not to puke all over the floor. My anxiety is so high over this that I'm sick to my stomach. I want so badly for this to be over with and resolved. Gavin deserves to be safe, happy and healthy.


Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers

The doctors office called this morning with Gavin's lab results and they were correct the first time. All his numbers are down and it's not looking good. Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers. Maybe keep Lizze and I in there as well because we have some very difficult decisions to make this afternoon. Trying to stay positive.


Not knowing is killing me

It's been the longest day ever. I've been waiting for the phone call to deliver the news about Gavin's lab results but that call never came. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those no news is good kinda things. This is one of those the lab didn't fax the results or the doctor just didn't call kinda things. We'll know this afternoon for sure but the wait is killing me. I need to know what's going on with Gavin and not knowing is killing me.


I age 5 years everytime this happens

I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor in regards to Gavin's lab results. The only way I can explain how excruciating this wait is for would be to relate it to a young child on Christmas Eve. Maybe that's a bad example. It's not the excitement but rather the extreme anxiety of knowing it's coming but having to wait. I swear to God I age five years each time something like this happens. 🙁 I'm trying to remain positive because it could very well be temporary good news. I just have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I can't seem to shake it.


I’ve got heartbreaking news

I received a phone call this morning from Dr. Reynolds office. I assumed they were calling to move our appointment again but I was wrong. Apparently, Gavin's labs from yesterday came in and his numbers are dropping again. Right before we left for Florida, he had labs drawn. His Absolute Neutrophil was 3 and his White Cell count was 5 at the time. Unfortunately, his labs from yesterday show a sharp drop. His Absolute Neutrophil is 2 and his White Cell count is 3. This means one of four things: The Clozapine has nothing to do with this. The Clozapine is causing this and he's going to have to completely detoxed from it to know for sure. The Clozapine may had caused permanent damage. This is part of CVID and…