We have our first marriage counseling appointment today

When Lizze and I decided to put our family back together, there were a few things that we wanted to make sure we did.  Lizze and I don't have any major issues between us and the reasons for our separation didn't really have anything to do us. It was a combination of several things but that's not really the point.  One of the things that we wanted to do differently this time around was to be more cognizant of our own needs and make sure we take better care of ourselves and each other.   It's so easy to get wrapped up in taking care of all the kids, that we fail to take care of ourselves.  Marriage counseling is being employed as a means of gaining new tools to…


After a terrible nights sleep, I’m doing pretty well today

I didn't sleep well last night again. There's just too much to worry about and while I try not to worry about things I have no control over, when it comes to my family, that's so much easier said than done.   Thank God for Emmett's good mood this morning because he woke up and got dressed, including his shoes and socks before even coming downstairs.   He woke up around 3am from what I gathered was a nightmare. He climbed into bed and snuggled up to me. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a suckered for snuggling with my kids. He was scared and so pushing him back to his room wouldn't have gone over well.  I ended up eventually moving to the couch and letting Emmett sleep in my…


I’ve really struggled today enlight of all Monday’s bad news

I tried to write yesterday but I just wasn't in a place to express myself in wisely chosen words.  For that matter, I've not been able to really string to coherent thoughts together.   I know many people are wondering what's going on but I needed time to process everything.  Let me just confirm that we began the journey of increasing Gavin's Clozapine yesterday.  So far so good. He dealt with things like dry mouth and bladder issues but nothing more serious than that.  The long and short of it is that he's doing okay right now.  I'll do my best to get caught up in the morning.   Thanks for understanding. 


My brain is fried and my heart is broken

If there are any grammar errors, I'll fix them in the morning.  I can't keep my eyes open and I'm going to bed.   I'm going to try and sum up everything as best I can.  If this doesn't make sense to anyone, please know my brain is fried and my heart is broken. I'm doing the best I can at this point. Let me begin by saying that this was one of the most difficult appointments we've had in a very long time.  I'm really exhausted after today but I'll do my best to have this make sense. I also spoke to both sets of grandparents prior to writing this because I wanted to bring them up to speed before they read about it here. With that said, here's…


I went on a real date with my wife for the first time in forever

Do you remember a week or so ago, I mentioned something about Lizze and I going to P.F. CHANG'S? It didn't work out for us then but our raincheck came in yesterday afternoon.  My parents gave Lizze and I gift cards to P.F. CHANG'S for our birthdays but we've had to sit on them for a little while.  Lizze's parents spent the afternoon with the boys yesterday. As a result, we were able to head out of town and go to lunch at the most amazing Chinese restaurant ever.   Lizze and I had never been there before but we love Chinese food, so this was the perfect gift.   Even more amazing than the food is the fact that this is the first real date Lizze and I have…


I’m feeling much better

As the day has progressed, I'm feeling better and better. I wasn't feeling sick or anything before, I was just feeling rundown. Now I'm feeling pretty good actually and that makes me happy. ☺  The boys have settled down and while Gavin is incessantly asking me if I'd like a piece of his gum, he's doing pretty well also.   I'm letting Lizze sleep because the weather has been really hard on her this week. The boys and I are going just fine and I'm enjoying a relatively quiet house.  ☺ 

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I can’t think of a title for this general update

Gavin's currently sleeping off his morning medications. Elliott and Emmett are extremely hyper and excitable today for some reason. Their tougher to manage this morning and I'm not sure why.  Lizze had a rough night and is taking a nap currently, hoping to feel better in a little while.   As for myself, I'm tired. That's nothing new. Last night I really struggled to sleep because my left leg was restless. It was driving me crazy and I ended up on the couch....   That pretty much sums up my day thus far.   It's gorgeous outside right now and I'm thinking it might be a good day to hunt Pokémon......... 


A sometimes politically incorrect open letter about #Autism Parenting 

Going into this post, please know that I truly understand that every parent faces challenge and struggle. Parenting isn't easy and that should go without saying.  When I speak about the unique challenges facing Autism parents, it's not meant to invalidate the difficulties associated with everyday parenting. At the same time, just as it's important to understand that parenting in general isn't easy, it's important to understand that Autism parenting is something all together different. Something that's gotten under my skin a bit recently, is the way some people have reacted to my mentioning of taking a nap on some days. I'm not sure why anyone would care about that but clearly it's rubbing some people the wrong way. I've decided that I'm going to share a few thoughts I…