Getting Your Kids Involved Around The House

As a parent, nothing beats quality time with your kids. Unfortunately, parents also have loads of other responsibilities! Most notably, you have to deal with the ownership and maintenance of your property. So, some of your weekends are full of you doing bits and pieces around the house. All the while, your kids are left to their own devices, and you feel quite cut off from them.  Instead, it's a smart idea to get them more involved around the house. This benefits you in two ways: one, your kids actually learn how to do basic home maintenance tasks. Two, you get to spend more time with them! How do you get them more involved? Here are some ideas… Photo Link (CC0 License) Involve them in big projects Doing DIY around…

Read more about the article Why Food Choices Matter When It Comes to Autism
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Why Food Choices Matter When It Comes to Autism

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex developmental and neurological condition that affects people of all ages. While research is ongoing in terms of the way that various foods affect a person with autism, there are important considerations to bear in mind if you are looking after someone with this condition. Below are the ways that food can be an issue for someone on the autistic spectrum, as well as how certain foods can assist with mood, focus, and behavior.   Food Selection & Strong Likes/Dislikes Some individuals on the autistic spectrum can be sensitive to the smell, color, taste, and texture of certain foods. This can lead them to have strong likes or dislikes for things such as strong-flavored foods, slippery or soft foods, or foods with bright…

Read more about the article How To Help Your Kids And Your Dog Get Along
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How To Help Your Kids And Your Dog Get Along

Dogs can be a wonderful addition to any family with children; they teach them important lessons about caring for others and unconditional love. Plus, dogs are loads of fun for children to play with, and they can be great companions for one another. However, dogs are animals and can be unpredictable if they are frightened. It’s important that if they are going to be living in a house with children that you take all of the necessary steps to ensure everyone is happy. Click this to know more about puppies. Introductions When you are introducing your child to a new dog, it’s important that they are well supervised by a responsible adult who can help to ensure the interaction goes smoothly.  Before the meeting, you should ensure that the child knows…


Top Tips For Caring For Elderly Relatives With A Disability

According to the UN’s statistics 46% of all people over the age of 60 live with a disabling condition. This percentage gets higher the older you get and with the US population aging, many will care for an elderly relative living with a disability at some point in their lives. Here are some top tips on how best to care for your elderly relative.  Listen Living with a disability is a very broad term and applies to many people in different ways. Everyone is unique and will experience their disability differently too. For example, many with an autism diagnosis will see the condition manifest itself in completely different ways. This means there is no one-size-fits-all caring solution for anyone. The best way to assess the care someone needs is by…


What Are The Right Tools To Get Your Voice Heard?

We all have a story to tell, and there are a million different tools to get your message across. What a lot of people don’t realize is that they can share their experience online with an audience, even if they are not someone famous. It might sound surprising, but you don’t need to be famous to be heard or read. One of the most popular website types in the early days of the public Internet was the blog or the personal website. It’s human nature to want to share our experiences and thoughts with others. Scroll forward until now, and nothing has changed. We still want desperately to be heard, read, and understood by our peers. The pandemic has given many households powerful stories to share. Many families have been…


Looking forward to hitting the farmers/flea markets again

One of the things I really miss the most from my life prior to COVID is visiting and spending time with my family and friends. That is so important to me and it's been way too long. Something else I miss is our trips to the flea market. We used to drive up almost every single week and hit both the farmer's market and flea markets to stock up on fruit, veggies, and little random things we came across while walking around. The boys loved getting fresh, locally grown fruits and veggies, as well as all the cool things you can find at a flea market. Over the years we found all kinds of really interesting, wonderful and kinda weird things at the flea market. The kids would find little…


Some thoughts on moving

There are so many things I'm excited about going forward. Getting my last COVID shot is a big one, as is returning to some semblance of normality. I also can't wait for the kids to get back into the school building. They absolutely need that and I need the break so I can more easily work during the day. It'll be good for all involved. I definitely want to move in the very near future but at the same time, I feel like the best thing to do at this moment in time is freshen up our current house and ride this out. I think my Dad and I are going to do some painting. I'd like to get the kitchen, first floor hallway, upstairs hallyway, the bedrooms, and maybe…


Just a few reasons why blogging is a amazing

It's been about 12 years since I began my blogging journey and I've come such a long way over the last decade. For those who don't know, I got started by accident. When Gavin was very young, I found myself struggling to emotionally cope with all the challenges I was facing in regards to things like behaviors. I was new to being a parent and even newer to autism. It was suggested that I start writing in a journal because it could be therapeutic for me. Since I wasn't into writing like that, I ended up starting a blog. I was very naive to the ways of the internet back then and I didn't understand how things worked. I had assumed that my blog was private, so I was very…