5 Tips to Paying Off Your Debt

If there’s something that can strongly impact your financial health, it’s debt. Debt can get in the way of buying a home, saving money, having a good credit score, and even your career. If you have debt in your life, you can start paying it off today. Consider these five tips to get started as soon as possible. Taxes You may owe a lot on your taxes, and perhaps this is where most of your debt stems from. Taxes have to be paid, and thus, the debt hangs high over you. However, you could get back taxes help. Whether you can get offers in compromise or set up a payment plan for an extended period of time, there are ways for you to find some debt relief when it comes…


 A Family Guide to Getting a Pet

Getting a family pet is exciting. A pet can strengthen family bonds and enhance your quality of life. That said, looking after a pet is a big responsibility, and you must do your research and know what to expect before you rush out and buy a pet. Here is a family guide to getting a pet and the key things you should consider: Pick a pet that suits your lifestyle You must pick a pet that will suit your family’s lifestyle. Dogs are one of the most popular pets with families, but they require a big commitment. If you are considering getting a pet dog, then you must have enough free time to give your dog the exercise and affection that it needs. If you are busy with work and…


Handling Your Midlife Crisis With Grace (and Without a Porsche!)

As parents, we soon start to feel our age, or even older! As the pains of middle age start to become more apparent, especially in our lower back, or we're not able to recover as quickly from exercise, we can soon start to get downhearted and feel that we are heading into the mid part of our lives without any form of gusto or enthusiasm. But feeling a midlife crisis is not just about being physically weaker, but it's about that depressive state where you are concerned you are put out to pasture, or you do not feel as useful as you once did. But also, the concept of the midlife crisis is unique to the individual. You can have a happy life in many ways but still, start to…


Reasons Why You May Not be Able to Afford a Divorce

Most people who get married believe that their marital relationships will last forever; however, oftentimes, this is not going to happen. Whether it is because of money problems, a lack of trust, or any other issue, many married people sooner or later decide to prepare a divorce applications form. However, what they should do first is to find out if they can afford to get divorced because if they cannot whey will have to look for other ways to resolve their marital disputes instead of ending their marriage on paper. If you don’t feel like you can save your marriage and break-up seems to be inevitable, you should find out how much an average divorce costs before you make your final decision. Of course, the sum of money that you…


Thank you Lauren Holly helping name our new dog

So we got a new dog recently. I hadn't planned on that but I was trying to help someone out and honestly, we've wanted a second dog since Maggie died three years ago. It was one of those things that just kinda happened in the moment and wasn't really thought out. The kids are thrilled and Ruby seems to be happy as well, so it all worked out. He's a 4 month old Corgipoo and his name was Toby. We're weird about names in our house and if we are going to do this, we're going to do it our way. He needs crate trained and broken of some bad habits but we're making decent progress. One of the things we decided to do was change his name. He wasn't…


6 Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter with the Kids This Year

Holidays this past year have looked a little bit different than anything we have ever celebrated before. Christmas was confined to immediate family only and New Year’s Eve was a casual affair. And with Easter quickly approaching, it seems like it will be the second Easter celebration in a row that will be kept to your close circle. However, just because we can’t celebrate Easter in the way we want to, surrounded by tons of friends and family, does not mean it still can’t be fun. You just have to think of creative ways to celebrate Easter at home! If anything, the pandemic has shown us how to make doing things at home more fun and meaningful than we ever thought possible. Here are 6 fun ways to celebrate Easter…


How to Prepare For a Family Road Trip

A road trip is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time with your family. Thanks to the ability to drive to whatever destination you like, these trips can be a fun and exciting way and to expand your experiences, and bring your family closer together. However, there is no denying that long hours in a car can make parents and children cranky. To make your family’s next road trip a success, here are some tips that will help you prepare properly. Get Your Vehicle Ready Before you even think about going on a road trip you need to make sure that your vehicle is in proper working order. The best thing to do is to schedule an appointment with a mechanic. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels Make…


I got a break for the first time since September

It's been a couple days and I wanted to share something before I crash for the night. This will be brief because I'm exhausted and I'll try to follow up later. The other day, I called Lizze to find out if they'd been locked down for at least 14 days. They had been and so I suggested making arrangements for the boys to go over for a few days. It's been since September and that's really hard on her and the kids. We had decided to shut visits down until COVID was under control. That's the only reason she hasn't seen them. Since the insurrection at the Capitol Building and the current threats for this coming week, as well as how much worse COVID is getting, I thought we should…