Why is my #autistic toddler becoming more aggressive?

Because you asked: "Why is my autistic toddler becoming more aggressive?" You're mileage may vary on this one but thisade me think of my experience with my youngest and I hope this can help someone out there. Like and follow for more 👍 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CboH0X6FAaD/?utm_medium=copy_link Transcribed for accessibility ☺️ ♥️ "Okay. So I've got this question on my autism parenting subreddit this morning. And, uh, it's from a parent who's autistic toddler is becoming more aggressive lately, biting, hitting, kicking, scratching, things like that. And they're like, Hey, why is this happening? Uh, well, the truth is like, I have no idea why it's happening.It could be a million reasons. Um, but it sounds like this kid might be non-verbal from some of the contexts that I got from the conversation.…

Read more about the article Bounced back from a rough morning and had a great day

Bounced back from a rough morning and had a great day

I made it to the event this morning but aside from the event coordinator, not a single member of the public showed up. The whole point was to answer questions surrounding the COVID vaccine. The was designed to help reduce vaccine hesitancy. I think it's a combination of people not caring and COVID exhaustion. In my county, 58% of those eligible are fully vaccinated and we need to be in the 70's and 80's for herd immunity. There's concern about another wave on the way, and trying to get as many people vaccinated as possible, is definitely a worthy cause. I'm sad that no one showed up but at the same time, I'm not surprised. Ohio weather is crazy. It was snowing like crazy when I walked out of the…


It’s already a rough morning

I haven't even left yet and we're already off to a rough start. Gavin's having a difficult morning and I'm frustrated. I sometimes fail to maintain perspective and it's something I need to work on. Gavin has come so far and while he does pretty well in everyday life, especially in a relatively controlled environment, things quickly unravel when he gets emotional. He just has a hard time dealing with emotions. This morning he started to use the stove without asking. Yes, I know he's 22 years old, and does a good job, he needs to ask so that I'm aware he's using it and can intervene if need be. He can be forgetful and I need to keep tabs on things like using the stove or oven. There's only…


Let’s talk about accountability

Let's talk about accountability as it relates to our autistic kids. Here's an example of when I hold my kids accountable. Hope this helps.Like and follow for more  Transcription can be found below for accessibility. ☺ ♥ https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbkpETgFXjU/?utm_medium=copy_link Accountability"Okay. So you guys have been asking me a lot of questions lately about, um, when you discipline your child or what you hold them accountable for when they're autistic. And I've talked briefly about, I don't hold them accountable for things like meltdowns or stemming or things that are sort of inherently autism related behaviors, because it's outside of their control.It's not their fault. It's not a punishable thing. However, when my kids make choices or decisions that are problematic, they are held accountable for that. And today's a good…


It’s gonna be an exciting day

It's going to be an exciting day. The boys are having a friend sleep over and they're pretty excited. I thijnk everyone will probably camp out in the living room because it's going to be more comfortable. Lots of fun. ☺️ Before we even get to that part of the day, I will be working with the Stark County Health Department. I was asked to be on a vaccine panel for a public awareness forum. They're basically trying to increase the number of COVID vaccinations in our county and want my help to talk to people in the public forum. I don't normally speak publicly, at least in person, so I'm a little nervous but it's good experience and it's also an excellent cause. It's only an hour or so…


Time management as it relates to #autism #parenting

Because you asked: "Can you please talk about time management?" I have an autism parenting support forum on Reddit with over 8,300 families. One of the Dad's asked me to talk about time manage t as it relates to being an autism parent. Here's the link to join the group of you'd like to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Autism_Parenting https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbjGvBdF9k5/?utm_medium=copy_link Below is the transcript of the video for accessibility. ☺ ♥ Time Management So I had someone in my Reddit support forum, uh, asked me to talk about time management as it relates to autism parenting. And I thought, well, that's kind of a weird question at first, but then I realized it's actually a really good question and I just don't know how to answer it. So, uh, I've been putting it off,…


I know so many of you can relate to this

This morning I was reflecting on just how far the boys and I have come over the years. We're not without our challenges and that's okay. Last night, we had a family outing and it was so much fun. There was eight of us all together and everyone had a blast. I can remember when the idea of taking the kids anywhere was overwhelming for a multitude of reasons. There was always the financial aspect but also the emotional piece as well. I know so many of you can relate to worrying about whether or not an outing would lead to massive meltdowns later on. Basing your decisions on whether or not to do something, based solely on if you'll be able to deal with the potential fallout, sucks. Sitting…


A quick update about my week

It's been a good week so far. Elliott is on spring break and has been spending time with friends. He's doing well in regards to the change of schools, and has made a few friends already. He's even spending time outside of school with skme of them and that makes me feel good. Emmett is neck deep in state testing this week and seems to be coping with that stress pretty well. This morning I took him to Starbucks on the way to school. He went in all by himself, ordered his coffee, and some breakfast. I'm so proud of him. He did fantastic and I just wanted to do something special before state testing today. He went to school happy and ready to tackle the test. My day is…