Gavin’s worsening vision issues

Gavin took a bath this afternoon. That's nothing unusual, in and of itself. What is notable however, is what happened after his bath and I'm not sure how worried I should be. While he was getting himself dressed, he looked in the mirror, which is high enough that it only reflects his head, neck and chest. He explained that while looking at his reflection in the mirror, he saw white geometric shapes, separated by black lines. He was unable to answer any questions because he didn't know how to answer them. I asked him to draw a picture of what he's talking about, because without us understanding what he's experiencing, it's much harder to help him. His drawing however, doesn't help is as much as I was hoping it would.…


My brain and body shut down

I failed on my quest to avoid a nap this morning. I tried but but brain just shutdown and my body along with it. I timed my nap to coincide with Gavin's morning nap while he received his IVIG infusion. That gave me a two hour window to get some rest. While I wish I was in a better place when I woke up this morning, I feel much more alive after my nap. Gavin and Lizze are up and moving as well. I'm leaving to get the boys from school shortly and then I need to take Elliott to occupational therapy. Afterwards, Lizze and I are probably going to take the boys to the garden center and let them explore for a little while. I want to make the…


Elliott will be returning this afternoon

Elliott will be returning to occupational therapy today after school. He only goes twice a month and missed his last appointment because he was sick. He's excited to return this afternoon but disappointed it won't cause me to pull him out early. This time around, we were able to schedule his sessions after school, so he doesn't have to be pulled early. Anyway, he will have a good time this afternoon and I know he's looking good forward to going. ☺


At least I was able to provide him with comfort

It was a long night because Emmett wasn't feeling well and couldn't fall back asleep, after waking up. The only way Emmett was able to fell asleep last night was by climbing into our bed and gluing himself to my left arm. I've never been a back sleeper and so I was very uncomfortable but at the same time, happy to actually be able to help him find comfort. ☺ Thankfully, everyone was doing better this morning and both boys made it to school without much in the way of problems. I'm pretty tired and will be sticking close to home in order to get some work done today, before the boys get home from school. My goal is to make it through the day without needing to take a…


Do you remember where you were?

September 11, 2001 changed everything for me. I was finishing up a house in a new allotment that my company was doing punch-out work in. I was working with my brothers that day. Lizze called me about 8:50 AM, and told me what happened. We'd been dating for a few months at that point. She's was very upset and it took a minute to register what she was telling me. Once I understood what was happening, I told everyone what had happened. It wasn't long before everyone on the job site had gathered around the radio because we didn't have a TV and cell phones were still flipping. I remember the collective gasp of everyone as we heard that the second plane had struck the south tower, and then the…


He woke up freaking out

A little while ago, Emmett woke up freaking out. We couldn't even talk to him without him screaming. I'm guessing it was a nightmare and he wasn't fully awake. That's not all that uncommon for Mr. Emmett. We ended up convincing him to move downstairs. This way he wouldn't wake anyone else up. Currently, we have him mostly calmed down and watching Max Steel. Hopefully, this will be enough to settle him down and get him back to bed. We'll see what happens.. 🙁


Why we are considering postponing our trip

It's been a long weekend and I'm happy to say that both boys will be returning to school in the morning. Elliott's doing much better and should be good to go in the AM. With that out of the way, we need to catch up on a few other things because I pretty much took the weekend off from writing. I haven't done that in awhile but we got an impromptu break from the kids, courtesy of my parents. ☺ We spent some time working out some details for our trip to Florida. Lizze and I have been paying close attention to news and everything that's going on with Hurricane Irma and what may be going on with José. Lizze and I have also been talking about what we should…


We’re 3 steps closer to having Gavin’s greatest wish granted

I was able to make some progress in my quest to get ready for Gavin's Wish granting trip to Florida at the end of the month. Aside from packing, making needed purchases and planning the physical drive, we have quite a few other things that need to be addressed before we leave. One of those things has to do with the rental car. I checked with my insurance agent and they told me not to take the extra insurance from the rental car agency. I have a rider on my policy that does the exact same thing and it's significantly cheaper. One of the biggest things we had to get figured out in order to actually leave was what we were going to do with Maggie. We found a kennel…