Here’s how my appointment with the divorce attorney went today

Just wanted to drop a quick update because I think it's relavent and I'm hoping to set a positive example for anyone else going through something similar. I only talk about my experience and do so very honestly. I don't talk about the reasons why this is happening though. I know it seems more one sided and I suppose it is but it's not because I'm hiding anything. I simply want to respect Lizze's privacy and don't feel I have the right to share her story. I want to focus on how we're handling things and what I've learned along the way. While I don't share all the details, I do share the broad strokes because if someone can learn something from my experience, that's a positive thing. With all…


How I’m choosing to handle parenting during and after my divorce

If you're new to this blog, you should know that I use this a sort of a personal journal. Many times, I'm writing about things that I'm experiencing in real time and you go through that process with me. This is one of those times. I woke up this morning and I'm finding myself very easily annoyed. Gavin is definitely pushing my buttons, whether he means to or not. For the record, I don't think he does. His brothers aren't too far behind either. I've been on edge and irritated today and I wasn't sure why until I started writing about this. I remember why and since the kids are already aware, I feel comfortable talking about it. This week, I meet with Lizze and my attorney. We will be…


Someone has slept in their own bed for 2 straight nights

I have been getting much better sleep lately because Emmett has been in his own bed for the past two nights. Since Lizze left, he's been struggling to sleep by himself. He experiences separation anxiety and has to be physically touching me in order to fall asleep. I want to be there for him but at the same time, it's very difficult to sleep because I can't get comfortable. He tends to sleep in positions that take up a large part of my king size matteess. Since becoming single, I prefer to sleep in the middle of the mattress and I can't do that with him there. The last couple of nights, he's managed to stay in his own bed and I've slept so well. I am fully aware of…

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Why the holidays are tough for us

One of the challenges for me as a Dad going through a divorce, is managing the holidays. I don't mean fighting over who gets to see who because thankfully we don't have that problem. I'm referring to things like simply navigating the day. Before all of this happened, we had our holiday traditions and everyone had a role to play. When people are missing, the role goes unfilled and it sometimes changes everything. We were in a remote location with no other people around. We took out masks off for the picture. This was earlier this in the Fall. Even if the traditional activities are still possible, there can be emotional baggage associated with them, especially for the kids. This is our second Christmas on our own and we're still…


This is how I know I let my kids down and it breaks my heart

I've been under a tremendous amount of pressure this year. I was getting my footing as a single Dad when COVID hit and our lives were once again turned upside down. I'm honestly doing the best I can but I was recently reminded that I need to do better. This story involves Emmett in particular but I'm sure it applies to Elliott and Gavin to some extent as well. Emmett is the absolute sweetest kid. He's going through a rough time but he's always worried about me. Ever since Lizze moved out, he's constantly asking me if I'm okay. Becoming a single parent is not an easy adjustment and while I do my best to manage the emotions and stress, it doesn't always go so well. I've been stressed out…


Helping my son learn to forgive

I had a very challenging morning with my youngest. He's a ball of rage and pain and fear and anger. He got into it with his brothers this morning and just exploded. This isn't who he is but rather how he reacts to all the feelings he keeps locked inside. Yes, Mightier helps him manage these emotions much better but there are things he needs to learn that it doesn't teach. The overall theme to his struggles is loss. He's struggling to deal with a tremendous amount of loss. He's lost all three of his remaining great grandparents, his mother moved out, an aunt died, and an uncle passed away as well. He's lost multiple family pets to cancer and all of this loss took place over the last year…

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I’m trying to give my kids a better me and it’s not easy

It's been somewhat of a stressful day for me personally. I'm feeling very isolated, which is by design at the moment and that's important. The point is, I feel very much alone. It is what it is and I'm doing what is necessary to protect my kids, especially Gavin. I'll continue to do the same as long as is needed, but it's not easy and the longer this drags on, the harder it gets. I'm trying to find a better balance in my life because my kids deserve a better me. I've been working out with some regularity and back to using Myfitnesspal. It feels good to move in the right direction once again. I've not gained any of the weight back that I'd already lost and that's a good…


A long overdue, deeply personal update

It's been a little while since I've really talked about how I'm doing on a personal level. There's not really a reason for that I'm just a bit overwhelmed and when this happens, it's not as easy for me to write. That said, it's important that I do anyway because it's incredibly therapeutic for me to do so. For the most part, I think I'm doing pretty well. Could I be doing better? Of course I could. Could I be doing worse? You betcha.. I'm trying to manage a lot right now and it's not easy. The balance between work and family is quite challenging, especially when the kids are learning from home. I need to be working but they need guidance and support because remote learning is a very…