Read more about the article Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

I've been feeling a bit disconnected lately and it's got me in kind of a weird headspace. The kids have been sick for a week, which is stressful enough because they've missed a lot of school as a result. As I'm writing this, I can hear them both coughing in the living room and they're supposed to returning to school in the morning. It's nothing more than a cold or sinus thing but I know I would be upset if my kids came home from school as we're drowning in new COVID cases, telling me that there was a kid in their class coughing and hacking up a lung all day. I would be livid that this child was allowed to return to school. Ohio is back up to over…

Read more about the article Have you seen Nano Jewelry before? Check this out!! (Review)

Have you seen Nano Jewelry before? Check this out!! (Review)

I work with tons of companies and get pitched just as many items for review. I don't take on even a quarter of what I'm offered because I'm just not interested. That being said, sometimes something comes along that captures my attention because it's truly unique, and not something I see everyday. This is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long while and it's by a company called NanoStyle. They create incredibly unique and beautiful pieces of jewelry. I ordered the I Love You Necklace Onyx Pendant Inscribed in 24k Gold. It says "I Love You" in 120 different languages. On the surface it almost looks like a fingerprint but when you use the included magnifying glass, you can clearly read everything. It's so cool. This particular…

Read more about the article It’s been 2 weeks since back surgery and here’s how I’m doing

It’s been 2 weeks since back surgery and here’s how I’m doing

It's been such a good day I almost don't know what to do with myself. I had my stitches removed on Tuesday night and as far as I can tell, I'm back up to 100%. I was able to do a 90 minute workout today for the first time since my surgery and it felt amazing. I have to play catchup a little bit because of the time off but I don't seem to have lost any of the gains I've made. I can't explain how good it feels to be off restriction and back to my old self. The boys have been home all week from school. They came home from their mom's house on Sunday not feeling well. It's just a cold but they aren't allowed at school…


Ideas to Ease Care Concerns for Your Special Needs Child

No parent wants to think about what will happen when they are no longer around. However, the idea of leaving their child without care can be a scary thought.  This is especially true for parents with special needs children, who often require extra care and attention from those around them. So, with that, here are ways to ease your concerns as a caregiver by providing the best possible care for your child with special needs, now. Image Credit  Love is the First Form of Care If you do not love your child, they will know. Children who feel loved and cared for are more likely to be open with their feelings and ask questions when something is bothering them.  Love has a powerful effect on a developing brain in children…

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5 Tips to Getting Ready for the Holidays

Who doesn’t love a good holiday season? Are you ready? If not, here are a few tips to help you start preparing for the holidays, so you can have an amazing time enjoying this time of the year: Shop ahead of time If you want to get ahead of things and make sure you find what you’re looking for, shop a month or two in advance. This goes for both holiday gifts as well as décor and wrapping paper. The last-minute rush isn’t fun, and you’ll find it doesn’t allow you to get the things you’re looking for.  It’s okay to start playing holiday music in September if it encourages you to get ready for the holidays with plenty of time to spare—we won’t tell anyone. Also, when shopping online,…


Language Arts is a new film that will hit home for many in the #autism community

I wanted to take a minute and share a bit about a new movie that has just been released that touches home for the autism parenting community. It's call Language Arts and it's directed by Cornelia Duryée and starring Ashley Zukerman, Sarah Shahi, and Elliott Smith. Language Arts "follows the story of a father and teacher, Charles Marlow. The story begins in the 1990s when a student proposes a project with autistic youth and senior dementia patients. Unknown to the student, Charles's son is autistic, and autism has been a part of Charles's story since his childhood. He must come to terms with the indelible mark autism has made on the story of his life, and learn to connect to the people he loves." I wanted to share this because I will…


You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

You’ve probably heard this phrase. You’ve even said it to people around you. You cannot pour from an empty cup. But what does it mean? Why do people say that to you? If you’re running around in life like a headless chicken trying to get everything done, the chances are that you are spending more time looking after everyone else and filling their cups rather than filling your own. The more you give of yourself, the less you have and one day, you’re wondering why you’re so exhausted and nothing feels “finished” - it’s because you have nothing left to give to anyone, and there's also no sips left for you.  Here’s where we say that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. It’s absolutely fine that you should want things…

Read more about the article 5 Things to Know About Sending Your Autistic Child to Daycare
Photo by Sarah Chai on

5 Things to Know About Sending Your Autistic Child to Daycare

Any parent has fears when it comes to leaving their child in the care of someone else, especially when they don’t have a close relationship with that person.  Parents of children with autism often face even more anxieties, not knowing whether or not someone can attend to their child’s specialized needs. Choosing a form of childcare for your autistic child is not easy, but daycares are a great option to foster growth and development over time. Take a look at these five reasons that your autistic child might do well in a daycare setting. #1: Socializing with Children Their Age As a parent, you might fear that your child with autism will live a life of judgment. While you can’t control the behavior of others, you can make a difference…