I needed stitches but #COVID kept me from going to the ER

The boys have school in the morning and I have my last recording of the year scheduled in the afternoon. I'm not sure if that will be tacked onto season 3 or be the first episode of season 4. Decisions decisions. I think it's going to be a relatively slow week. We have groceries ordered and scheduled for delivery on Tuesday and Wednesday. They're from different places and have different schedules. I'm weird about groceries. I like Walmart for most things but prefer Giant Eagle for meat and produce. In the advent of COVID, grocery shopping can amount to multiple deliveries. There are going to be big steps forward in my divorce this week. The progress is good because it's one big step closer to gaining some needed closure for…


Fingers crossed that I sleep tonight

You know what? It's actually been a pretty good day. Obviously, it wasn't perfect or stress free but I don't think those days even exist. I feel like we made some progress around the house and for the most part, the kids got along with each other. I'm always grateful for that and it helps to maintain a positive tone for the day. It's amazing how something so simple can change the demeanor in the house. I didn't get a whole lot of work done but I've written twice and that hasn't happened in forever. That's big for me and it's progress. This week I need to focus on finishing up episode 39 and before Wednesday. That should be relatively easy, assuming the boys let me have the time needed…


It’s 2:40 am and I’m too stressed to sleep

It's been a rough day in our house. My tank is pretty much on empty and the kids have been such a handful lately. I'm exhausted and coming up short in the patience department. Currently, it's almost 3am and I still can't fall asleep because it's been such a stressful day. I can't seem to shut my brain off. The kids have been at each other's throats all day. Emmett and Gavin were fighting and I was done with it. I sent them downstairs to call their mom and have her help them resolve whatever they were fighting over. It didn't end well and made things infinitely worse but Lizze did what she could from a distance. The kids needed a physical intervention and that of course, can't be done…


That’s what makes you awesome

I don't know if you're new here or not but in case you are, you should know that I see a therapist every Wednesday. I feel like it's important to share that because there's too much stigma surrounding therapy. My therapist is awesome and she's helping me to deal with everything I've been through.  I feel like I'm doing okay. I've moved on from my marriage ending and I no longer carry that pain around. Therapy has really helped with that. Unfortunately, some things can't be learned in therapy and are only learned through life experience. I've not written like this in a long time but I just feel like I need to dig down and put my thoughts into words. There's a lot of stress associated with being an…

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I think this was our last hiking trip for awhile

I took the kids out for a walk today. I figured if we could find a place that was isolated enough, we could safely get out for a bit. We ended up trying several places before settling on the Wellness Trail. There were no cars there and I felt pretty good about our odds. We came across a few people along the way. Only one person was wearing a mask and with as bad as things are getting, this might be our last trip for a little while. Not enough people are taking this seriously and it's getting too dangerous. While we were out, I was able to grab some pictures. It was a gorgeous day and we ended up walking about two miles before making our way back to…

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We pretty much kicked ass today

It's been a pretty amazing day here in The Autism Dad house and I don't say that very often. The first day of Emmett's new schedule went off without much of a hitch. He did pretty good and I'm proud of him. Tomorrow will be the test because normally, he wouldn't have any classes, as it would be an off day. This will be a test. Anyway, the car is back. That's right. It only took 4 or 5 weeks but she's looking good. Big thanks to my Mom for helping me get there. It was the safest approach because while they don't quarantine, they do take this very seriously. Masks on and windows down for a 5 minute drive. Thanks Mom. ☺ ♥ Can't wait until February when I…

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My #autistic son is such an inspiration to me

I know not everyone will get this and that's okay. I also know that many of you will celebrate with me because you understand the significance of what I'm about to say. For those who are unable to relate, I hope this provides a bit of insight into the challenges kids on the autism spectrum can deal with on the daily. Mr. Emmett is a character. There's no two ways about it. He's so full of personality and life that frankly, it can be a bit overwhelming for me at times. He has an infectious smile and a belly laugh that will melt your heart. At just 12 years old, he's one of the smartest people I've ever met in my life. We're talking scary smart. Like, as his Dad,…


I can’t think of a fucking title for this

I've accomplished a whole lot of nothing today. I know that I probably should care or at least feel a little guilty but I don't. I mean, I spent some time with my kids and did actually mulch the leaves again. I suppose that's my claim to fame for the moment and I'm cool with that. This week should be quite interesting because I'm scheduled to record my final interview for season 3 of the pod and I'll wrap things up with 40 episodes. That's actually quite an accomplishment and the pod continues to grow every week. Anyway, I have a few episodes left in post but nothing new scheduled after this week. I'm kinda excited about that. The timing is perfect because Emmett's new school schedule starts this week…