You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

You’ve probably heard this phrase. You’ve even said it to people around you. You cannot pour from an empty cup. But what does it mean? Why do people say that to you? If you’re running around in life like a headless chicken trying to get everything done, the chances are that you are spending more time looking after everyone else and filling their cups rather than filling your own. The more you give of yourself, the less you have and one day, you’re wondering why you’re so exhausted and nothing feels “finished” - it’s because you have nothing left to give to anyone, and there's also no sips left for you.  Here’s where we say that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. It’s absolutely fine that you should want things…


Parenting: Tips on How To Keep Autistic Kids Safe

You may not already know this, but life seriously begins once you become a parent! It is even more challenging when you are raising kids with special needs. You have to stay cautious and ensure that everything is safe. Autistic children are always curious and want to interact with everything they come across. Well, curiosity is cute! But would you ever leave your autistic son at home alone? The panic might stress you out. This potential outcome is why you need a safe home for your child. The activities below might come in handy: Image credit Choose What To Teach or Let Kids Do Children do not need to know how to do everything simultaneously even though they always want to be involved in everything. As a parent, you must…


How Parents of Special Needs Children Can Create an Effective Work-Life Balance

It’s difficult to balance a fulfilling career with raising children, particularly special needs kids. in fact, work-life balance is an illusion for many parents raising children with autism and other special needs.  The demands of raising the children alone can be overwhelming. How much more trying to combine it with a good career. It takes a lot of mental jujitsu and emotional toughness to be able to pull it off.  Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash Every autistic child is unique in the sense their triggers and tantrums can be vastly different. So you often have to cater to everyone’s needs and do so as quickly as possible. This is why many parents tend to quit their jobs so they can just focus on the child.  But how about those…


Let’s Talk About Respite

I want to talk about something that's really important and most parents don't get enough of. If you're a special needs parent, you're probably all too familiar with the word respite. Basically, respite means break. More specifically, it means a temporary break and is usually associated with caregivers. While my focus is more on special needs parenting, this really applies to any parent because we all need to take care of ourselves and we all need a break from time to time. Many of you know that respite is hard to come by for many caregivers, myself included. While my kids are older and can stay home alone for periods of time, that's relatively new and wasn't always like that. They can't stay home overnight by themselves and while that…


My Moment of Clarity

I woke up this morning, super early, filled with clarity, and laser focused. The laser focused part might be a bit of an exaggeration but I wish I was laser focused. The clarity part is very true, however. Life is full of twists and turns, detours and delays, setbacks and forward progress, joys and heartaches, successes and failures. I have found that moments of pain can lead to a certain clarity that I wouldn't have gained otherwise. Sure, it's messed up that I can't seem to find that same clarity elsewhere but it's still positive, right? I'm going to keep being me. I'm going to keep bettering myself. I'm going to keep moving my kids forward. I'm going to keep growing my business. I'm going to keep believing in myself.…


I’m pretty excited about the coming weeks

The kids have been driving me crazy all day but that's their job, right? Kids are supposed to drive their parents nuts just like we drove our parents nuts. They were laying it on pretty thick today though and I'm not sure how fair that is.. Lol We actually had a pretty decent day. I got some work done, which is always good. I'm already 75% done with this Friday's episode and I even have the sponsor ad done as well. All this on a fricking Monday no less. Couple of cool things coming up. Dr. Webby, from St Jude and the WHO will be on the pod to talk about the current status of COVID. We're gonna talk the importance of the vaccines, as well as dispel some of…


I’ve been on #COVID lockdown with my 3 kids for 365 days

It's been a rough couple of days. Friday, March 5th marked the 365th day of COVID lockdown for us. It's hard to believe that an entire year has passed us by. This time has had a significant impact on us both physically and emotionally. A great deal has happened inside of this last year but the only thing that truly matters right now is that everyone in my home is safe. There have been tremendous sacrifices made in order to get to this point and while they weren't easy, I'm thankful that myself and my kids are safe. At the end of the day, we're still here and I can't express the heartache I feel for all the people who have died or lost a loved one due to COVID.…

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I’m trying to make my son’s 2nd birthday while on #COVID lockdown a happy one

As you may or may not know, today is Elliott's 15th birthday. Today also marks the second birthday in row that he's celebrated on COVID lockdown. While Lizze and I are trying to make arrangements for the boys to go over, it's not a quick process. There's a lot of planning that goes into visits when you are in the middle of a pandemic and have high risk people in both households. Elliott is bummed because he wasn't going to be able to see his mom on his birthday. As bad as this is going to sound, I was excited to to hear that he was feeling this way. The reason for that is not because I'm a dick but rather it shows me that he is indeed healing and…

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