Why Animals Are Great For Children With #Autism

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  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

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An animal is a living creature who you can form some amazing emotional bonds with. For anyone, they can be a vital part of the family and become a huge part of our lives. Let’s can help us to make more friends in the wider world, become more confident and even make us fit!

For people who have physical and mental issues though, animals can be even more crucial. For example, you can learn more about emotional support animals and see what they do for people with anxiety, depression, PTSD and even autism. Children who suffer from autism are often very quiet and withdrawn from the world, with some even going as far as to not speak at all. Autism is an illness which can cover a very broad spectrum and this can sometimes make it difficult to identify to start with.

In short, though, someone who has autism will often be amazing at one subject, which is why you will often see someone with autism who is skilled in maths, memory and even skills like dancing. They do however lack social skills and struggle in some other areas of life such as making emotional connections with those around them. This can lead to an autistic child becoming easily frustrated and withdrawing into themselves when the situations get too difficult to handle.

So, how can a pet be beneficial to these children?

Loving pets

The main benefit of a pet is that they will give you their unconditional love. A child who has autism may sometimes try other’s patience and this can lead to frustration all round, straining relationships and making things difficult for everyone. However, with a pet, a child will always have them there to support them no matter what. They rely on us for love and attention which is why they will form an everlasting bond with their owner. They are loyal, kind and unjudging.

A shoulder to cry on

It can be rough being a child in normal circumstances, but when you are a child who is a bit different to everyone else you can often feel left out and alone. An animal can be the perfect remedy for a child after a long and stressful day because they will be there to offer their love support and a shoulder to cry on. You will never have to worry about your dog not being there to lean on after a hard day at school.

An exercise companion

Introverted individuals will often not want to go out and socialize with the world, and this can lead to health problems such as becoming overweight and having heart issues. However, when your child has a dog to walk every day they will want to get out of the house and make the most of their time with their favorite pooch. It will offer some amazing benefits to your child’s health overall and encourage them to spend more time outdoors. You can even arrange a day to take your child to the beach so that they can enjoy playing in the sea with their best friend.

A social partner

When you get a pet such as a dog you will automatically become more likely to get attention out on the streets. Children who are autistic or who have social issues don’t like having attention drawn to themselves all the time so going out alone can be a scary concept. However, with the dog in tow, your child could actually make some friends. Dog walkers are always friendly so if they see a new dog in the park they are likely to strike up a conversation. This type of social interaction can be beneficial for your child because it is not solely focused on them, but is focussed on their pet. It allows the child to talk to others about their dog without having to feel singled out. Talking to other dog owners will increase your child’s confidence overall and allow them to make more friends at school. They can even use the dog as a way to interact with their peers.


Dogs are always fun, there is never a dull moment to be had when you have a pet in the house. Even if your child has a short attention span they will always find a fun way to play with their dog, and they will always be having fun. Even a simple day sitting on the couch and rubbing their pet’s belly can be a fun game and keep them occupied on a rainy day.


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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