Why Animals Are Great For Children With #Autism

This is a collaborative post and as such, does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Image An animal is a living creature who you can form some amazing emotional bonds with. For anyone, they can be a vital part of the family and become a huge part of our lives. Let’s can help us to make more friends in the wider world, become more confident and even make us fit! For people who have physical and mental issues though, animals can be even more crucial. For example, you can learn more about emotional support animals and see what they do for people with anxiety, depression, PTSD and even autism. Children who suffer from autism are often very quiet and withdrawn from the world, with…


Sweet picture from our July 5th adventures

I know these are a couple of days late but I wanted to share them anyway. On July 5th, one of my focuses was wearing my kids out, by keeping them busy all day long. It was dark from a perfect day but while Lizze was in class, I took the boys to the indoor playground and let them play for awhile. They ended up joining in a game of tag with the other kids that were there. It felt so nice to see them having fun with other kids in a playground. After Lizze arrived home from class, we went to the Garden Center as a family. The boys went exploring, and Gavin found several painted rocks, that he promptly re-hid somewhere in the giant garden, for others to…


No super annoying YouTube shows

So we are hanging out at our parent's house, chillin' with their dog, and bogarting their internet for a little while. :-) It hadn't occurred to me until now but there is a huge upside to not having the internet at our house. No internet means no super annoying YouTube show's, played at high volume because life isn't hard enough, without having to listen to Pat and Jen (Emmett's favorite show). As soon and as they connected at my parent's house, all that noise came flowing back in our direction. Anyway, we're going to be here for a little while, and leave after feeding the devil dog. The plan is to go to the garden center and let the kids play for a bit. I think they will probably head for…


Why I’m so proud of my wife

Lizze finished her first round of classes this week and immediately began the second round. Rather than going to class four days a week, she's down to two days a week. This is nice for a couple of reasons. First of all, it's easier on her. These classes are very intensive and both physically and emotionally depleting. They serve a very real purpose but it called intensive outpatient therapy for a reason. The second reason it's nice that she's down to twice a week is that we get to have her home more often. I know these classes are really important for her overall emotional health, but we miss her when she's gone. She typically comes home exhausted and in need of a break, which sorta takes her away from us again.…


How to easily change your @VivintHome device names

In this brief tutorial, you will learn how to change the device names on your Vivint Smart Home system. The most common reason you would want to do this is that you've moved one or more of your Ping cameras. Most people will want the camera name to reflect the camera's location. This tutorial will show you how to change the device names, so you can accomplish this.   https://youtu.be/yeFaIDjdS4g [clickToTweet tweet="How to change the names of your @VivintHome Smart devices. @VivintGivesBack" quote="The most common reason you would want to do this is that you've moved one or more of your Ping cameras"] Changing you the device names on Vivint Smart Home system   Load the Vivint app on your mobile device Tap the menu button on the top left of your…

Read more about the article Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress
While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard this summer, and make things look as nice as they possibly can. We're somewhat limited because of funding and where we live, but I'm all about making the best of what we have to work with...

Things I do to manage my #Autism Parenting Stress

One of the most important things an Autism parent can do is take care of themselves. I wanted to share one of the things I do in order to better manage my stress. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. Taking pictures relaxes me and helps me to put things into perspective. While we were at the park today, I spent some time taking pictures of the many flowers that are living there. The last time we were there, we saw an elderly couple working in the garden, and they did an amazing job. I wish my yard looked even a tiny fraction of how good this huge garden does. I'm feeling motived to work in the yard…