Read more about the article Does Leukemia in Adulthood Differ From Childhood?
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Does Leukemia in Adulthood Differ From Childhood?

Leukemia, a kind of cancer that attacks the bone marrow and blood, is something that both adults and children can develop. However, there are differences between leukemia in adulthood and leukemia in childhood, and knowing the differences could help you if you or a family member have this disease. The more you know, the more able you will be to deal with what needs to happen next. With that in mind, read on to find out more.  Types Of Leukemia  In general, leukemia can be grouped into four main types. These are: • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) Although anyone of any age can develop any of these types of leukemia, ALL and AML are more common in children, while…


A Solo Journey: Nurturing Autism and a Home

As the solo parent of three incredible autistic children, life has been a roller-coaster ride filled with victories, frustrations, struggles, joys, and lots of survival mode. In between navigating meltdowns, school systems, therapy sessions, and simply managing the ebb and flow of everyday life, which can be challenging enough, as many of you know. In the midst of my unique parenting journey, our house has become more than just a roof over our heads. It’s also been neglected and as I’ve emerged from survival mode, I’m working to breathe new life into the house that has kept us safe and warm for all these years. It’s nothing a little bit of love, a fresh coat of paint, and some sweat equity won’t fix. I’m starting in my office because I…

Read more about the article Tips for Single Fathers: Navigating Co-Parenting with a Challenging Ex-Partner
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Tips for Single Fathers: Navigating Co-Parenting with a Challenging Ex-Partner

Co-parenting can be challenging even when two well-adjusted, respectful adults share the same parenting goals. When one parent exhibits certain traits or behaviors, navigating the co-parenting dynamic becomes even more daunting. These challenges are particularly evident when dealing with a parent who demonstrates self-centered tendencies. Such individuals can cause significant psychological distress to both their co-parent and their children. As the other parent, you face the task of co-parenting while shielding your children from the negative aspects of their mother or father's personality, all while attempting to undo any damage already inflicted. Moreover, you may have to navigate a legal system that tends to favor mothers over fathers in custody battles. Photo by Pixabay on Identifying the TraitsThere are many signs you are co-parenting with a narcissist. While narcissism…


We arrived at the Converge Autism Summit in Greenville South Carolina

Emmett and I made it safely to South Carolina last night. It took us about 9 hours or so of actual driving and it rained most of the way. Emmett handled the ride really well and if having a great time so far. Emmett didn’t want to stand in the rain Virginia, so I stood alone. lol I’m just finished setting everything up and I’m going to head back out and check out the vendors. Emmett’s working in some school work and our day is off to a pretty good start. :-)

Read more about the article Want to Live a Healthier Lifestyle? Here Are Some Exercise Tips for Beginners
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Want to Live a Healthier Lifestyle? Here Are Some Exercise Tips for Beginners

Living a healthier lifestyle means getting more exercise, but it isn't always easy to know where to start. Walking into a gym full of experienced members and complicated equipment can be unsettling, but don't let it put you off. Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you are committed to improving your health, you won't stay a beginner for long. Take a look at some of these helpful tips for those who are new to exercise and fitness. Start with Good Nutrition Eating well is a big part of fitness since food is the fuel your body needs to build muscle and repair itself after a strenuous workout. Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, sugar, and salt. It can take a while to adjust, so don't try to change your diet all of a…


Heading back to the Converge Autism Conference this May

I’m returning to the Autism Converge Conference put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health in Greenville, South Carolina the week of Mayth. The purpose is to help promote the conference and speakers, along with a couple of the social media influencers. Last year’s conference I went last year and had a really good time. It was my very first conference and I met some amazing people while I was there. I decided that I wanted to do more of these things because it gets me out of my comfort zone, it’s a great experience, and it’s a good for business. Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health invites professionals from across the nation to converge for two days of presentations and breakout discussions covering a wide range of topics related to Autism—from diagnosis,…


We sign papers for day services today

Today is a big day for Gavin. Today is the day that we sign papers for him to begin day services. This has been such a long time coming and I’m so glad we’re finally here. As I understand it, Gavin and I will be meeting with his SSA and a representative from the day center. We will talk about Gavin’s needs and create a plan that best meets them. My guess is that he will be attending at least a few days a week but it won’t start for about 30 days. Everything has to be processed and transportation arrangements must be made. It may not take a full 30 days but that’s the current estimate and Gavin’s okay with that because it gives him some time to emotionally…


Emmett baked cupcakes yesterday

Emmett has been back in the kitchen baking up a storm. He baked strawberry swirl cupcakes and topped them with diced licorice. They were delicious. I was able to exercise some self control and only had two. I’m actively avoiding things like this but I also want to sample what my kids take the time to create. I’m really proud of Emmett. Baking seems to come natural to him and he’s really good at it. 😊