Emmett’s gone from bad to worse 

Tonight has not gone well. Emmett has gotten really sick. His fever has come back, and his throat still hurts.  At bedtime, Emmett complained of nausea. We helped him fall asleep, and he was out for about two hours. Around 10pm, Emmett puked all over his bed, and his bed is the top bunk.  I'm once again on the couch in the living room. Emmett's on the other one, curled up, and sleeping. God bless Lizze cause while I was comforting Emmett, she somehow got his bed scrubbed down and sanitized.  I didn't know this, but apparently strep throat can cause nausea and vomiting. We're not sure if this is why we're dealing with all of this unpleasantness, but if he's not better by Monday, we're going to get him…


This is NOT a good thing

Mr. Emmett woke up this morning, not feeling well. He was complaining of a sore throat, but that was it. As the day progressed, so did whatever he has going on.  A few minutes ago, he spike a really high fever.  At this point in time, we aren't sure what's going in. He could have something like strep throat, or this could be a fever cycle.  We've seen fever cycles in the past where the mouth sores appear in his throat, causing a great deal of discomfort. Like I said, we aren't sure what's going on. If this is a fever cycle, this is the highest we've seen in a very long time.  Please keep Emmett in your thoughts and prayers. We're managing the fever and will go from there. 


Why a #meltdown kept my son home from school today

Emmett was in rare form this morning. He began melting down the moment he woke up. I'd say he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but I don't think it was that simple.  I've spoken many times about my understanding of Emmett and meltdowns.  Emmett is extremely sensory driven, very easily overstimulated. He spends a good deal of time, looking for stimulation his body needs to know where he physically exists in time and space.  It appears that Emmett had a really good time at the zoo yesterday, with his school. It also appears to have drained his resources. When his resources are drained, he doesn't cope well with anything, and today was one of those days.  As far as Emmett is concerned, his day was shot…


Guess where the boys went on their field trip

This will be super quick.  I wanted to share that the boys both went to the Akron Zoo yesterday with their school. They both had a great time and Elliott couldn't even remember how many animals he saw.  Emmett really loved the underwater slide that runs through the otter habit. The otters would follow him as he went down the slide.  Elliott's teacher snapped a picture for Lizze and I. It was while he was standing by the otter exhibit. He wanted the picture because the otter is Lizze's favorite animal in the world.  They both arrived home safely, after having a good time.  Elliott was upset on the bus ride home, but I explained that in the previous post. 


Never underestimate the impact of a meltdown 

This was one of those days where I spent all the energy I had in morning.  The boys went to the zoo today and the anticipation/excitement of that kept Emmett from sleeping last night. We camped out on the couch and he did eventually fall asleep, but he didn't get nearly enough.  He was a holy terror this morning. Overstimulation, exhaustion and anxiety are not his friends.  As volatile as he was this morning, when we got to school he was fine. He gave me a super long hug and a kiss, before hopping out of the car and walking into the school.  I don't know own how he turns it off like that. Gavin used to do that and it drove me crazy. He's get Lizze and I all…


The meltdowns are killing me today

The boys are going on a field trip to the zoo today. Emmett is in a truly horrible mood this morning. He's been screaming all morning and it's been like one long meltdown.  The problem is likely the fact that he woke up after midnight and couldn't go back to sleep.  He and I crashed on the couches in the living room but he didn't fall asleep for hours.. That meant that I couldn't fall asleep for hours as well.  I don't have the patience to deal with this at the moment, as I'm exhausted. 


The meltdowns are killing me today

The boys are going on a field trip to the zoo today. Emmett is in a truly horrible mood this morning. He's been screaming all morning and it's been like one long meltdown.  The problem is likely the fact that he woke up after midnight and couldn't go back to sleep.  He and I crashed on the couches in the living room but he didn't fall asleep for hours.. That meant that I couldn't fall asleep for hours as well.  I don't have the patience to deal with this at the moment, as I'm exhausted. 


Worst morning in a very long time

We had the worst morning in I can't remember how long. Emmett was having the worst morning ever. I'm not sure what was going on but he couldn't tolerate any of his clothes.  Emmett's issues with clothes, extended well beyond the usual struggles with his shoes or socks.  He was unable to tolerate his crocs, shorts and shirt today.  The screaming was unbelievable and went on for almost an hour. By the time 8:30 AM rolled around, I decided to take Elliott to school and then finish dealing with whatever Emmett was going through.  Leaving him behind wasn't something I wanted to do but Elliott needed to get to school and we were already thirty minutes later.  The idea of being left behind, sorta jarred d Emmett enough to put…