Here’s a general update for today

The boys are off today for some weird reason, making it a three day weekend.  Gavin will be getting blood drawn for two reasons today. The first is for his Clozapine. They're looking at his white blood cell count. The second is related to his immunoglobulins. This is looking at his specific levels to find out if we need to adjust his IVIG dosage.  After the bloodwork, we need to hit the post office and grocery store.  We're pretty much out of everything the boys will eat and its been a tough last couple of days. Thankfully, I can go shopping today and hopefully stay within a modest budget, while getting the things the boys will actually eat.  I'm really tired but I'm also feeling like I'm in a good place…


Positives and Disappointments: Four months after my wife moved back home

I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the almost two years my wife and I were separated. I focused on my personal struggle with the monumental loss, as well as how the boys and I were managing on our own, with me as a single Dad. I wanted to try and set a positive example of how to make sure the kids come first, despite my personal feelings. When my wife and I reconciled about four months ago, I began sharing that journey as well because it's not easy to move past something going like that but we did it. As we approach our fourth month back together, I want to take this opportunity to sorta share how things are going. There's a great deal of positive but…


Bloodwork is done for the week

After taking the boys to school, I went straight to the lab to have Gavin's bloodwork done.  As usual, he did really well and I'm so proud of him.  Today's trip to the lab marks the end of this week's round of bloodwork.  I'm really glad it's over for right now.  I hate that he needs bloodwork every single week but it's a necessary evil anymore.. 🙁


I’m on my own tonight and I really need the boys to cooperate 

It was a good day at school for the boys. Everyone came home in a good mood and I really like these kinda days.   Elliott's homework is pretty much done for the week already and Emmett doesn't have any. This means the boys are pretty much free for the rest of the day.  Lizze will be in class for another couple of hours and won't get home until after the boys are in bed.  I'm trying to keep things calm because I have a conference call at 6:30pm for work and unless the boys are in a good place, that won't be able to happen.   I only need about 30 minutes of relative quiet in order to finish this call and I'm really hoping that the boys will…


Gavin’s side effects are getting worse

After four days of being on his increased dose of Clozapine, it's pretty clear that his side effects are getting worse. The side effects in question revolve around the bladder control issues, extreme dry mouth and weird mouth movements (that could just be the result of dry mouth). Gavin and I had to get our blood work done this morning after dropping Elliott off at school. Emmett stayed home but that's another post. On the way home from bloodwork, we got an appointment for Emmett with the pediatrician. We got home, picked up Emmett and Lizze before heading right back to where we had our bloodwork done. In the afternoon, Gavin and I picked up Elliott from school before parking the car for the day. My point is, we made…