No super annoying YouTube shows

So we are hanging out at our parent's house, chillin' with their dog, and bogarting their internet for a little while. :-) It hadn't occurred to me until now but there is a huge upside to not having the internet at our house. No internet means no super annoying YouTube show's, played at high volume because life isn't hard enough, without having to listen to Pat and Jen (Emmett's favorite show). As soon and as they connected at my parent's house, all that noise came flowing back in our direction. Anyway, we're going to be here for a little while, and leave after feeding the devil dog. The plan is to go to the garden center and let the kids play for a bit. I think they will probably head for…


How to easily change your @VivintHome device names

In this brief tutorial, you will learn how to change the device names on your Vivint Smart Home system. The most common reason you would want to do this is that you've moved one or more of your Ping cameras. Most people will want the camera name to reflect the camera's location. This tutorial will show you how to change the device names, so you can accomplish this. [clickToTweet tweet="How to change the names of your @VivintHome Smart devices. @VivintGivesBack" quote="The most common reason you would want to do this is that you've moved one or more of your Ping cameras"] Changing you the device names on Vivint Smart Home system   Load the Vivint app on your mobile device Tap the menu button on the top left of your…

Read more about the article What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking
What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking At therapy tonight, Gavin wanted to bring us up to speed on his missions. It's important to understand that these missions are related to his Schizophrenic hallucinations, and done with a team that only he can see. It was heartbreaking to hear the depths of his delusions anymore. Dr. Pattie and I just looked at each other in disbelief when he was finished with his debriefing. He had talked nonstop for almost twenty-minutes, without taking a breath. It's gut wrenching to see where his mental health has taken him at this point. I wish there was something that we could do, besides love and care for him, but sadly, that's all we can do. I'm a fixer by nature and this is something that can never be fixed..

What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking

What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking. At therapy tonight, Gavin wanted to bring us up to speed on his missions. It's important to understand that these missions are related to his Schizophrenic hallucinations, and done with a team that only he can see. It was heartbreaking to hear the depths of his delusions anymore. Dr. Pattie and I just looked at each other in disbelief when he was finished with his debriefing. He had talked nonstop for almost twenty-minutes, without taking a breath. It's gut wrenching to see where his mental health has taken him at this point. I wish there was something that we could do, besides love and care for him, but sadly, that's all we can do. I'm a fixer by nature and this…


I’m so grateful to @Healthline :-)

I want to take a second and give my most humble thank you to I have been chosen as one of their Best Autism Blogs of 2017. As usual, I'm in amazing company and you can check out the complete list over at Healthline by clicking here. Thank you again for this great honor and I hope that I can continue to live up to it. :-)   Healthline  


1 BIG reason I’m worried about Gavin

This is an important update on Gavin's current overall status and one that's a bit concerning, although not entirely unexpected. Gavin's officially off of Lithium for the first time in over a decade. We were a bit caught off guard at the timing because we were supposed to stop this coming Thursday but when his new box of meds was delivered this weekend, it was devoid of Lithium. By the time we would be able to address this, it would be close to the original cutoff date anyway. Frankly, it doesn't matter, aside from finding out why they pulled it in the first place because we never told them to. Anyway, Gavin's off of Lithium for the first time in over ten years, and we're bracing for a major unknown.…