Why he keeps forgetting the most basic things

Lately, Gavin's memory has been getting significantly worse. It was little things at first, like losing his shoes. When we went to the grocery store, he could find the items that I had always been able to send him for, and everything was in the same exact place.  We've moved to more serious things now.  The other day, when the boys came back from their Grandparents, Gavin just stood outside the front door. We have keyless entry, and all he has to do is put the code in, and the door unlocks.  I had to go open it for him because he forgot that he could let himself in. In fact, he didn't even see the keyless entry.  When I asked him why he didn't let himself in, he got…


I’m feeling seriously overwhelmed 

I had such a hard time sleeping last night. I didn't fall asleep until after 5AM. It was so hot, and I was basically too stressed out to shutdown.  When I woke up this morning, I immediately called the HVAC company we use, and they are checking into the warranty.  As I look around the house, I'm feeling seriously overwhelmed. I'm exhausted, and probably not thinking straight.  I'll let you all know what happens this morning. 


Confessions: Things are NOT looking good 

I'm sharing this because I know many of you are struggling, but you're not alone. Our story won't make your situation better, but at least know know someone out there can relate.  We're currently facing a pretty major set of problems. The root cause of most of them is the fact that my paycheck hasn't arrived yet. This one simple event has triggered all kinds of issues.  The biggest, and most worrisome is our lack of groceries. We have food, so please don't worry too much. We just don't have much left that the boys will eat. It's a pretty terrible feeling to open up the refrigerator and find it almost completely empty.  We haven't actually been in a predicament like this, or rather to this extent, in a very…


I had nice visit today

Earlier today, I had to make a run to my parents house. My Dad needed his loppers and the new cordless hedge trimmers back. They only live a few miles down the road, and I was able to sneak out. Lizze was hanging out with the kids, so I was able to spend a few minutes chatting with my Mom. It was really nice, and she sent me home with cake pops. ☺ Little visits like this are brief, but help me to feel connected to the red of my family. No it's back to the chaos... ☺


Not again

Emmett woke up in a mood thays quite unpleasant. I got up early with him, and feel like I'm pay a price for that. I'm praying that our day doesn't continue down this path because the last few days have been full of meltdowns, screaming, and stress. 


We had an emergency today 

It's been a long day, but we were lucky enough to get a nice little break from parenthood, while the boys were with their Grandparents. After Lizze and I took a long nap, we went to the park and walked the track.  We made it about three quarters of the way, when Lizze began to not feel well. It was pretty hot outside, as it was nearing 90°F. She was a trooper, but nearly collapsed twice. I ended up sitting her down in the shade, quickly making it back to the car, and picked her up. I got her home, and her face was beat red because she was so overheated.  Her body temperature was that of a high fever. It took about an hour to both actively, and passively…


Take advantage of the breaks

When Autism parenting is what you do, day in and say out, it gets exhausting. The reality is, so few of us get regular breaks. It's unbelievable, unless you've experienced it, but considering how fast Autism is growing, there's a serious lack of resources available for parents.  This will vary depending on where you live, but generally speaking, it's hard to find resources to help with the day to day challenges, associated with Autism parenting.  One of the hardest things for an Autism parent to come by, is a break.  Getting a break is not only the hardest thing to come by, but also one of the most important things an Autism parent needs. If this seems like a problem, you're absolutely right.  There is no direct fix for this,…


Is it okay to need a break from your child with #Autism? I have the answer. 

Okay folks, I generally try to avoid giving direct parenting advice, because everyone's situation is different. What works for me or my family, may not work for you or yours. That doesn't stop people from asking for advice all the time though.  I've decided that I will begin offering non-specific, widely applicable Autism parenting advice. Take it or leave it. ☺  Let's begin with a very important one.  Is it okay to need a break from your child with Autism?  This is one of those questions that probably enters every Autism parents mind at least once. As parents, we have this irrational idea that because our child/ren have Autism, we aren't allowed to experience emotions like anger, frustration, or even resentment.  Somehow, it became unacceptable to have a very human…