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I went to bed feeling like I was a decent Dad last night

I'm really trying to push through all this shit today. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing okay and other times I feel like I'm broken. I've been really focused on work lately because I'm getting slammed, which is good but it's also painfully obvious that I'm a one man operation. My goal right now is continued growth and meeting the needs of the community. I've been going back and forth over the best ways to do that. After a good bit of thought, I've made the decision to add a second episode each week, and I know what you're thinking. Rob, why would you add more work for yourself when you're already spread too thin? Great question. The second episode is less than 10 minutes long and I'm answering listener…


I can get really frustrated with myself

I've got a jam packed week ahead of me and it's all pretty exciting stuff. I have a few interviews this week and will close them all off with Kate Swenson from Finding Cooper's Voice. She's going to be on the pod to talk about her new book Forever Boy. I'm looking forward to that. There's a lot of prep going into this upcoming trip and my brain has been working overtime. I was gently reminded today that I can sometimes overcomplicate things. I'm following some really good advice and making a list of everything that needs to get done before I go. I can finally get it out of my head and into paper. I made a list tonight and I'm going to refine it as I go but…


Feeling Grateful

I'm physically and emotionally getting ready for my big trip and I realized a few things. I'm going to be gone for five days and I've never been away from my kids for that long. I've never gone on a solo trip before and I've never been alone for more than a day or two. I was talking through this the other night and I recieved some really good advice. I understand the advice in my head but I'm not sure I can explain it well. Basically, the advice had to do with me feeling lonely while I'm gone. Honestly, that's something I've been a bit worried about. Rather than running from that feeling or trying to push it away, instead, I should lean into it. The idea is to…


Time management as it relates to #autism #parenting

Because you asked: "Can you please talk about time management?" I have an autism parenting support forum on Reddit with over 8,300 families. One of the Dad's asked me to talk about time manage t as it relates to being an autism parent. Here's the link to join the group of you'd like to: Below is the transcript of the video for accessibility. ☺ ♥ Time Management So I had someone in my Reddit support forum, uh, asked me to talk about time management as it relates to autism parenting. And I thought, well, that's kind of a weird question at first, but then I realized it's actually a really good question and I just don't know how to answer it. So, uh, I've been putting it off,…


Don’t take these things for granted

As far as Mondays are concerned, it's been a good one. Elliott's in Spring break but Emmett isn't. That's super annoying but whatever. Emmett has his break in a month. I had a really insightful conversation today over lunch. You're never too old to learn new things or see stuff from a different perspective. So enlightening and I'm definitely better for it. I was running errands with the two youngest today and I took them to get haircuts. It went well and I didn't give bit a second thought until I got home. There was a time when something as simple as getting a haircut was anything but simple. In fact, it wasn't until the last couple of years that haircuts have been a relatively easy undertaking. I have absolutely…


What is now is not necessarily what will be later

For a number of reasons, the last few weeks have been physically and emotionally exhausting. There are a million reasons for this but I'm not going to talk about everything. I just want to focus on the ones that may be the most helpful to parents out there living in the trenches on a daily. I have so many positive things in my life and I appreciate every single one of them. There are other things going on that weigh heavy on me, cause me to feel overwhelmed, unsure, and even alone. I've been talking about some of the school-related difficulties and how as a parent, I'm just trying to do the right thing. The school issues have been going on since returning from Christmas break. I've been incredibly overwhelmed…

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Mainstream Anxiety

It's been a minute because my life has been a little overwhelming lately. I'm feeling incredibly anxious tonight, and I thought it might be helpful to write for a bit before I try to get some sleep. There's a few things going on right now that have me on edge, and I'm going to go into a few of them. This isn't going to be the smoothest article I've written, and it's not meant to be. I'm looking to purge and walk away from some of this shit I'm struggling with. The biggest thing keeping me awake tonight is that Elliott starts at a new high school in the morning. It's been an emotionally exhausting couple of months for Elliott and me. Elliott has been handling everything like a champ,…


Some days are harder than others

I've had better days and I'm not feeling exceptionally motivated but I have a living room that's not going to paint itself. I'm almost done with the all the trim. I have to cut in along the floor and then the rest will be super easy. It's just very tedious and I'm not really in the mood for tedious today. My original goal was to have all of this done before the boys get home but that's not likely to happen. I'm going to choose to be okay with that because there's not much I can do about it, and beating myself up isn't going to help. The current plan is to make a list of everything I need to finish up today and get after it. Lists are really…