It’s been a positive day

I made some serious progress on the house today while the kids were gone. There's still a lot of work to be done but progress is progress. As far as I can tell, the boys had a great visit with their mom, and that's awesome. I want them to have a good relationship, and I'm glad they had a good time. We haven't worked out a visitation schedule yet because her situation is complicated and a standard plan will not work. Anyway, the boys had fun, and now we need to gut the ferret cage and make it smell better.


The kids have their 2nd visit with their mom today

It's going to be a quiet day for me. The kids are going to visit their Mom for the afternoon. They're leaving a little before lunch and will be home in time for dinner. That gives me the day to myself. I'm not super thrilled about having the day to myself cause I'll miss the kids, but it will give me a chance to watch John Wick 3. I'm stoked about that for sure. I need to focus on putting the house back together, and I have to get stuff for lunches. I'd like to have all that done before they get home. I don't know what kind of mood they're going to be in when they get back, so I want to let them come home and chill. Maybe…


You will not believe the day I’ve had

I'm going to be honest with you all and say that I really thought I was going to have a terrible day. I had assumed that because of everything going on that I would be an emotional mess today but as it turns out, I was wrong. I've been getting messages and phone calls all day from people who wanted to make sure I was alright. They were concerned that I was going to be having a difficult day. For those new to the party, the reason people were concerned is that about two weeks ago, my wife of damn near sixteen years left. It was right before my birthday and our anniversary, which is September 3rd. I was devastated when she left, as were/are the kids. I hadn't seen…


So this normal for a cat?

So we got this kitten about six weeks ago. I'm not a cat person by this cat is pretty amazing. There's a million interesting things about Harley but the most interesting for me is her attachment to Elliott and Emmett. Every single night, she sleeps face to face with one of them. She often literally sleeps with her paws on their face. Maybe this is normal cat behavior but I've never seen it before. She usually starts out with Emmett and then at some point, moves to Elliott. It's like shes protecting or looking over them while they sleep. The kids find comfort in this and that makes me happy. Does anyone else have a cat that behaves like this? Also, the kids are considering changing her name. Lizze had…


I’m feeling optimistic about my new life

Mr. Gavin is currently doing his IVIG infusion, and I'm just hanging out in my room, trying to think. The boys are watching a movie and getting along, so I plan on letting that play out. They're stressed out and tend to take it out on each other. I'm thrilled they're getting along. Over the last few weeks, our lives have been turned upside down and we've been shaken to the core. At the same time, it's also a chance at a clean start and a new beginning for my kids and me. One of the immediate things I'm focusing on is getting the house in order. Organized chaos will not reign supreme in this house much longer. I want the boys and I to make this our home, until…


We had a great day yesterday

The boys and I had a great day yesterday. The dentist went well and I took them to see Angry Birds 2, which they very much enjoyed. We really had a great day. We capped things off by attending a nice little birthday party at my brothers house. My family wanted to make sure I wasn't forgotten on my birthday. It was a good time. The kids had fun and I got to spend time with my family. Win win.. 😊 The most exciting part is that my parents surprised me with a train ride next month. It's a three and a half hour scenic train ride. They got tickets for me and the kids. They'll also be joining us and that's awesome. All this takes place on September 14th…


My kids kicks ass today

We've survived the dentist once again. All three of the boys are cavity-free and in good shape. Elliott was so nervous that I thought he was going to bite the dentist's fingers off, but he also did really well. In other news that's positive, there's a chance that Gavin won't need his wisdom teeth out. That's hugely positive because I think that surgery would be very complicated for someone like Gavin, who has serious health complications. We don't have to make any decisions right now, but we'll reevaluate in six months at his next visit. I'm so proud of all three of my kids. The dentist is not a sensory-friendly experience and many Autistic kids really, really struggle with it. My guys are no exception to that rule but they…

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Taking my 3 #Autistic kids to the dentist

The boys did great this morning. Everyone got up without a hassle, and that's saying something for Elliott. I typically have to drag him out of bed, but he did awesome today. They all did awesome. We're going to be heading out shortly and I'm hoping that this level of cooperation continues because it makes life so much easier. I'm praying that these appointments go well. I've been working closely with the loss to brush better. I feel like they're in pretty good shape. Fingers crossed but feeling confident.