You will not believe the day I’ve had

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 24, 2019

I’m going to be honest with you all and say that I really thought I was going to have a terrible day. I had assumed that because of everything going on that I would be an emotional mess today but as it turns out, I was wrong.

I’ve been getting messages and phone calls all day from people who wanted to make sure I was alright. They were concerned that I was going to be having a difficult day.

For those new to the party, the reason people were concerned is that about two weeks ago, my wife of damn near sixteen years left. It was right before my birthday and our anniversary, which is September 3rd.

I was devastated when she left, as were/are the kids. I hadn’t seen this coming, and it’s been painful.

I really thought I was going to be miserable on my birthday today, but I’ve actually had a really good day. The kids have been great, and I was quite productive around the house. I feel a renewed sense of hope, and I’m looking forward to putting this all behind me and helping the kids move forward with as little permanent damage as possible. Don’t get me wrong. I’m going to have some bad days but today wasn’t one of them.

I appreciate all the love and support from my family and friends.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that I had a great day. I’m feeling optimistic about our future and most importantly, I have my kids with me every single day. That’s a true blessing. I couldn’t physically or emotionally survive without my kids in my life. As awful as this whole thing is, I get to be in my kids life every single day. That’s all that really matters to me. I have no control over anything or anyone else.

Rather than dwell on the heartbreak, I’m focusing on hope for the future. 

Thanks again to everyone for the outpouring of love and support. I truly appreciate it. ❤️

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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Curtis G

May your road of your journey get smoother and your mind more peaceful. And you are truly blessed to have such great kids and an extended family and friends who surround you with love. As the parent of a 35 yr. old Autistic young man, for us, it has been one long interesting and often difficult journey for my family, full of ups and downs, joy and sorrow, disappointments and unexpected surprises. As BJW wrote, we are all pulling for you and your boys and every other parent of an Autistic loved one(s). The one thing that’s a constant in what we can all take from you, is that you are a great dad, a good family man and a great human being. All the luck to you and your sons.


I’m glad Rob. Everyone is rooting for you.