What happens when a house burns down?

The other night, there were two house fires on our block, one across the street and the other, behind it on the next street. Both fires were most likely arson but no one was hurt because both houses were vacant disasters. I wanted to share what it looked like after the fire was put out and cleaned up. Truthfully, I was surprised they took the house down so quickly because they usually sit for awhile before that happens. Check out the pictures below. [foogallery id="65183"]


Gavin wasn’t feeling well

Gavin woke up this morning and not feeling well. He was complaining of a headache and a stomach ache. I'm not sure what was going in but he decided to have a very light breakfast, and then go to bed. He's been up and moving around for a little while. The nap seems to have helped him feel better. I don't know if this is related to his meds but it's possible. At the same time, headaches and stomach aches are pretty common for him anymore. Either way, he's feeling better now and at the end of the day, that's what matters.


Why do I even make plans?

You think I would have learned by now but I never do. Personal history tells me that I shouldn't bother making plans for anything because something always comes up to force a change. I had everything planned for today and now it's all shot to Hell. Elliott woke up about 3 AM not feeling well. He's absolutely miserable and it appears that it could be strep. I'm hoping it's not strep but we'll see how he's feeling as the day moves forward. Mr. Emmett was up early and struggled with his crocs as it became time to leave for school. Massive meltdowns ensued and I swear to God my head was going to explode. Thankfully, he did get off to school. Elliott is laying down, trying to go back to…


I’m not giving up

I'm hoping that we will be able to get this short week off all on the right foot. The boys are returning to school after the holiday and that will help everyone get back into their routines. My goal is to squeeze in about four miles while Lizze is at the doctors. Actually, I'm hoping to do this every morning for the rest of the week. I'm going to attempt a return to weigh-in Wednesday. I'll weigh myself every Wednesday and share my progress or pitfalls. This is probably the best way to help keep me honest. I'm not giving up. Something else I'm thinking about is relaunching Fit4Autism, and help motivate other parents like myself, to take better care of themselves, so they can take better care of their…


A place for kids with life threatening health conditions

I thought it might be interesting to see where we will be staying in Florida, while Gavin has his biggest wish granted. We will be staying at a place called Give Kids the World. This is a place designed for kids with serious, life threatening health issues like Gavin. I looks like it's straight out of a fairy-tale book. Anyway, here's a satellite view from Google Earth. This isn't the whole thing but you get the idea. ☺


Is this the start of concerning behavioral problems?

We've been noticing some behavioral changes in Gavin over the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours. They were more subtle at first but have become more obvious as time passes. One of the things we've noticed is Gavin's memory is worsening. It could be nothing or it could be something. He's forgetting how to do some very basic things like setting up his IVIG infusion. He's been doing this for years but yesterday, couldn't remember some of the basic steps. This leads me to my next concern, frustration threshold. Yesterday, Emmett made a joke that was very benign. He asked Gavin what time it was and when he said 5 PM, Emmett sang the five dollar foot long theme from Subway. It's sort of an inside joke and Gavin can get…


Will we have to cancel our trip to Florida?

As I'm watching the news today, and it appears that Hurricane Irma may create problems for our planned trip to Florida at the end of the month. Current predictions indicate that Irma will be at least as strong as Harvey was when it impacts Florida and the Carolinas sometime next week. If this proves to be true, that's horrible for the people in its path and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in danger. At the same time, this may force us to cancel or at least reschedule our trip to have Gavin's wish granted in Florida. I don't want to make the trip if Florida is going to be dealing with anything remotely similar to the people of Houston are dealing with. I'm going to speak with…


A fragile peace accord has been shattered

The fragile peace accord that has been maintaining the calm and quiet in our house has been shattered. Elliott and Emmett are at each other's throats as a result. Understanding the issue at hand is an important step towards understanding the fragile peace in our house. Much like many others out there with Autism, my kids are drawn to things like tablets and technology. It's calming for them and it keeps them engaged. We are working to broaden the way they experience the world, without the use of their tablets. My kids are plagued by sensory issues, and if you've been a reader for a little while, you're likely albrotherready aware of jowls bad it can be sometimes. One of the issues I don't think I've mentioned before has to…