First things first, Happy Birthday Elliott

I want to start out by saying Happy Birthday to Elliott. He turned 14 today and I couldn't possibly be prouder of the young man he's becoming. The plan for today is get the boys to school and go walking. I have a meeting at 11am and that should last about an hour. I have to pick Emmett up early and get him to Akron Children's Hospital for a follow-up. Lizze and her mom will be picking up the other 2 kids because it's Wednesday and they have a visit this afternoon. I will drop Emmett off on our way home. They're celebrating Elliott's birthday, so I'll celebrate it later this week. It sucks that we have to do things this way but it's okay. I have Elliott everyday and…


I hope you can learn something from my #divorce

It's been a very challenging day. I got the kids off to school and then met with Lizze and the kids therapist to hammer out all the important details of our pending dissolution. It's complicated for a number of reasons but it's incredibly civil, there's absolutely no animosity and everything is already worked out. While I would never have chosen this as our path, I do take comfort in the knowledge that this will not be ugly and that frankly, it's almost over. This isn't easy at all but I'm grateful that Lizze is working with me to ensure the best interests of our kids. Divorce is a shitty, painful thing, but it doesn't have to be ugly. War does not have to be waged and even if I don't…

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I need to get you caught up on a few things

Okay, so I've been a bit unplugged today and aside from paying attention to the news and getting some work done, I've not been online much recently. My focus today was on moving forward and taking the necessary steps in order to do that. I had a meeting today and I have another one tomorrow. I'd rather be doing just about anything else and it's very emotional for me but we can't move forward by standing still. I feel good about everything, I mean, all things considered anyway. I spent my downtime going through hundreds of emails from the last week or two. I really need a secretary to help manage all this. I keep finding myself buried in correspondence and I can never seem to get through all of…


Focus on those little moments

No matter how challenging things get in my house or how frustrated I become, there are always little moments that remind me life is beautiful, well worth the fight and far from over. ☺


I fell down the steps in the middle of the night

Last night, the boys had a mini guys night in the living room. We watched a movie, ate some candy and I left them to hangout. It was only Elliott and Emmett. I was in my room and must have dozed off. When I woke up, a little after midnight, I realized I didn't hear any noise, so I went downstairs to check on my kiddos. I slipped on the very first step and fell all the way down. I was able to pull myself up and checked on my kids. Emmett was asleep on the couch and slept through the whole ordeal. I opted to let him stay there and I made my way back to bed. I'm gonna be honest, I hurt but I'm okay and grateful that…


I was actually social last night, if you can believe that

The kids spent the night at their mom and grandparents house. They'll be home in a couple hours and for right now, I'm enjoying the quiet. It sounds like the visit is going well and that always makes me happy. :) Last night I swung by to say hi to my mom and ended up staying for hours. Some of my siblings stopped by as well and we ended up having an impromptu family dinner. It was completely unplanned but it was such a good time. Since I've been on my own again, I haven't really put myself out there. I've become very much a homebody and when the kids are gone, I tend to not do anything. I really miss having even the semblance of a social life. Rather…


Sports You Can Encourage Your Child To Play And Why It Is Great For Them

As parents, we quite often wonder what the right thing to do for them is. We want them to have the best start in life but there are many different options out there for children of all ages. The best thing we can do though is to make sure that they are taking part in some activity at least, for their health and wellbeing. But where do we start? Well, there are many different sports and activities around now and here are some of the choices you may be faced with. Going through each of them and working out with your child which one they would like to try is going to be great for their self-esteem and confidence. Photo by Lisa Wall on Unsplash Competitive Sports Competitive sports are…


I’m so grateful

I got a ton of things accomplished yesterday and I would go so far as to say it was a successful day. There were two meetings I had to attend and both went really well. I had an amazing opportunity to speak with someone from Facebook, who's helping me improve my efforts. They approached me prior to our trip about helping. I'm so glad they did. I also recently met a fellow Autism parent, and spent some time recording for her podcast yesterday. It was awesome to learn more about her family and how she and her husband manage things. The kids got along pretty well and even had a good visit with their mom. I feel good about everything and I'm grateful we had such a fantastic day.