How @AkronChildrens helped me protect my youngest son today

For the most part, our morning has gone on without too many issues, and any issues that we did have were quickly overcome. That's a pretty good feeling. I dropped Elliott off at school before taking Emmett to get some shots and Gavin to flget his blood work. We headed to Akron Children's Hospital new North Canton office for a nurse only appointment. He was incredibly brave, especially for an anxious kid who's constantly worrying about everything. He did awesomely and I couldn't possibly be any prouder. ☺ ♥ Today he received his Meningitis and Tetanus vaccines. That amounted to one in each arm and he didn't feel either of them. Our nurse at Akron Children's Hospital was fantastic and helped Emmett feel comfortable. The process was quick and painless.…


Review: The New @NixplayCloud 9.7 Inch 2K Smart Photo Frame (W10E) is Gorgeous

Let's face it, who actually prints their pictures out or uses actual film anymore? In my opinion, the best way to display those precious memories taken on your digital camera or smartphone is with a digital picture frame. On the off chance that you are unfamiliar with what a digital frame is, here's the cliff notes.  Digital frames are picture frames with an HD display built in. This display allows you to show countless pictures, without having to pull the frame down, remove and replace the photo. You're able to show off countless pictures on a digital frame.I’ve used tons of digital frames over the years, and the frames by Nixplay are second to none. Nixplay has just released a brand new 9.7 inch Smart Photo Frame (model number…


I’m heartbroken because of what today is but things will get better

Today marks the sixteenth and final year of my marriage. What was once a cause for celebration is now so painful I can hardly take it. I'm full of emotions right now and I don't know what to do. It's very difficult for me exist today because everything I've known is coming to an end. Accepting the end of things is not easy and it's going to take some time but I'm trying to focus on the idea of new beginnings. Sometimes things come to an end and we don't understand why. Sometimes we may never understand why and we have to move on anyway. I'm trying really hard to focus on the positives right now but but I'm struggling to embrace them. As hard as this is for me…


Our week just got a bit more complicated

One of the most critical things I have to do every single Monday is make sure Gavin's blood work gets done. I mentioned that his Clozapine can be a nightmare and that timing is crucial. We took Gavin for his blood work this morning, only to find the lab was closed. It hadn't occurred to me that they would be closed on Labor Day. I guess I've not ever run into this before. This time last year, he was on a thirty day cycle and his blood work never fell on a holiday. When you have a thirty day window, it's much easier to get things done. Tomorrow morning I'm supposed to take Emmett for vaccines at the new Akron Children's Hospital office. It happens to share a parking lot…


This medication is a godsend but it’s also a f*cking nightmare as well

This week is going to be pretty chaotic. We have a string of doctors appointments over the next few days that will require Emmett to miss some school. Emmett has some vaccines due this week. It's first thing in the morning, so I think he'll make it back to school. The next day will take us out of town and that's going to cost a full day. He hates missing school and isn't happy about this but these appointments are very important. Later in the week, Gavin has his follow-up with psych. It's just a medication check and I don't expect anything crazy to come from this. I'm hoping that we can move him from weekly blood work to every two weeks. That means he would get two weeks worth…


I have 6 short-term goals as I begin to rebuild our lives

I have a couple of short-term goals in regards to rebuilding our lives. I, of course, also have long-term goals as well but for now, I'm not in a place that I'm really focusing on them. The Kids The single most important goal I have is to get my kids through this. That means helping them establish a footing in this new world they've found themselves in. I think it's important that we establish solid routines and that I provide a more ridged structure for them. Autistic kids thrive on routine and structure, because it's predictable. I have goals for each of the kids that are unique to each one of them. Just as an example: Emmett hasn't slept in his own bed since August 10th. I don't mind him…


One of the challenges #Autistic children face with visitation is the transition between locations

The boys had a good visit with their mom yesterday and that's always a good thing. It's still difficult for them to say goodbye when they come home. They're glad to be home but it's just tough for them. It's difficult for Autistic kids to transition from one place to another, even when it's a largely positive experience. When emotions are involved, it can be even more difficult. I pretty much had the first half of the day to myself. The boys got home around 1 PM and we had a mostly quiet day. I remember that the last time we went through this, they needed the day to sorta decompress. I say that not because the visits are bad, but because it's emotional and they overstimulate quiet easily. This…


Does time really heal all wounds?

I made it through what I thought was going to be a difficult night. I'm so glad the kids can go visit their mom but at the same time, I hate that any of this is even necessary in the first place. I don't know what to do without them. I'm almost never alone and haven't been for damn near twenty years. All of a sudden I find myself with no one around me and it's uncomfortable. Maybe that sounds weird. Having said that, I feel like I had a pretty good night. I ordered a pizza and watched a couple of movies. I did some work around the house before calling it a night. My brain still can't wrap itself around everything that's happened. I understand as much as…