No parent likes to see their child struggle

It was a rough night. Emmett only ended up falling asleep in our bed, and that ultimately sent me to the couch. I'm okay with that because it meant that he got some sleep and wasn't up all night. I'm hoping that we can help him through this because he's clearly struggling with everything that's happened over the last couple of weeks and I certainly can't blame him. I know it's been tough for me, and I have a plethora of coping skills he has yet to develop. So far today, he had quite a few emotional outbursts. It's not like emotional outbursts are uncommon for him, but these are not triggered by things that would normally trigger him, like more sensory oriented events. He's miserable, and I hate seeing…


#Autism can make dealing with loss much more difficult

Raising kids with Autism is no easy task. There are a zillion little things that we as Autism parents have to be cognizant of, that other parents don't. There are challenges our kid's experience that are unique to Autism, and it can be very difficult to navigate as a parent. Losing a loved one is one such challenge. I've been talking recently about my late grandmother. She passed away a week ago, and we had to decide how to handle services with our three Autistic kids. Elliott and Gavin didn't want to go because they knew it would be too hard. Emmett, on the other hand, struggled to decide. Ultimately, Lizze and I went on our own while the kids stayed with her parents. We knew that even without attending…

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Review: @Otsimo is a fantastic educational app for kids with #Autism

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I'm a huge proponent of technology. I like to connect people with tech that can improve their quality of life, and this is especially true in the case of Autism parents. As an Autism parent myself, I know first hand how challenging it can be. I also know that I need all the help I can get. I utilize many forms of technology in my daily life. Apps are easily among the most common pieces of technology I utilize. I use apps to manage many aspects of my family's everyday life. I'm even using the WordPress app to write this post. Apps are amazing little pieces of software that can enrich our lives in ways we couldn't…

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Working to get back on track

The boys came home this morning. They're in pretty good spirits, and that's always a good thing. Lizze and I are exhausted from the week's events, and if the kids are in a good place, we're all the better for it. We may be going to my grandmother's condo tomorrow to help with whatever needs to be done there. I don't know anything for sure yet. The main mission I have, at this point in time, is getting our lives back on track. I wish I knew how to do that, but we're going to have to figure things out as we go. We have an entire summer ahead of us, a birthday next week and a ton of work that needs to be done so we can one day…


I need to figure out how to start living my life again

We buried my grandmother this morning, and that was really hard. She was the last grandparent on both sides of our family, and now that entire generation is gone. I don't think that this has really set in yet, but it will hit me at some point very soon. Something that I took away from today is that I spend far too much time worrying about how short life is. I worry about burning through my time on this Earth, and it's depressing. I'm not very religious, but one thing that really stuck with me from the sermon at her funeral today is that I need to stop worrying about how short life is and start living it instead. I'm struggling with that a lot recently, and it's something I…

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Hopefully we made the right decision

The boys are at Lizze's parent for at least the next day, and possibly the next two days. Lizze and I will be leaving very early in the morning and making our way to Youngstown. It's about an hour and twenty-minute drive, and we need to be there no later than 8:30 AM because that's when services for my grandmother begin. Calling hours were Wednesday night and Thursday morning before the funeral. I spent every day with her for the last few months, and I couldn't handle two days of calling hours. I've never had a death hit me this hard, and I'm already depressed. I decided it would be best for me to forego the first viewing and instead see her before the funeral. As I mentioned, the boys…

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I think this is best

Poor Emmett has been struggling today. He's trying to decide if he is comfortable going to my grandmother's funeral on Thursday. Elliott and Gavin are a hard no. Emmett has been on the fence. Lizze and I don't want him to feel pressured either way, but we do need to know. My Dad called me this afternoon and asked me if Emmett might be will to read something during the mass. He was very clear that he didn't want Emmett to feel any pressure, and agreed with our approach. I spoke with Emmett about if he decides to go, would he be willing to do a reading during mass. When he said yes, I was a little concerned that he was afraid to say no. I told him to think…


Gavin’s appointment went well

Gavin's psychiatric appointment went great this morning. Nothing changed and we're going to continue pushing ahead with his current dose of Clozapine, at 300mg/day. There is little evidence that increasing the dose will produce a more positive outcome. In fact, we have a ton of evidence to the contrary. Gavin may never be free from delusion or psychosis, and that's something we've accepted. Our mission is to find a dose that is both safe and maximizes his quality of life. I feel like 300mg/day is a good balance. We will just keep on keeping on.. 😀

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